He replied in agitated voice,” Let it increase. I will pay whatever it takes. Just take me to that address.”

The driver gave him a weird look as if he must have thought WHAT DID I SAY WRONG THAT HE IS GETTING ANGRY. Varun seeing him realized that he was venting his anger on him without a reason so he spoke up,” Sorry. Please take me here.”

The address was far from where they were also it was in opposite direction from their current location. So the driver turned the car and started to head towards the new location given by Varun.

Varun checked the time and saw that it was 9.50am already. He asked the driver to speed up and he was sweating out a lot.

Meanwhile Maya and her parents also Varun and his family was attending Vivek’s engagement. Vasuki informed Maya that Varun had arrived Chennai and is on the way. Maya was excited to see him but also she was worried for him. The engagement took place and by 10.15 am Vivek put on his engagement ring to the girl and finally he was engaged. Everyone clapped for him but Maya’s eyes was on the entrance. She was looking keenly to see if she can see any glimpse of Varun.

On the other hand Varun was stuck in traffic. He was more agitated also he felt a fear in his heart. He feared that he might lose Maya forever. He saw the slow moving traffic also kept on checking the time. He thought,” God! Please help him out. Don’t do this to me. Maya don’t do anything unless you see me. Please wait for me.”

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