When they got to the end where Resnick’s room was, Kyle Phillips was standing guard outside the door.

“Any change?” Sam asked the young Marine.

“Yes, sir. Some. He came around briefly. Kept saying your name. He was extremely agitated. Wanted to warn you.”

“I need to get in there to see him,” Sam said. “A woman’s life depends on it.”

Phillips hesitated only a moment and then opened the door, calling to one of his men who was stationed at Resnick’s bedside.

Once the other Marine took Phillips’s post, Phillips then motioned Sam, Garrett and Rio inside, following close behind.

The mechanical sounds of so much hospital equipment were loud in the otherwise silent room. It creeped Rio out. He wanted to get the hell out as soon as possible. He wanted to get to Grace. He wanted this over withhis over.

Sam stopped at the head of the bed and lowered himself so he could speak close to Resnick’s ear. “Adam, it’s me, Sam. I’m here. I need to talk to you. Grace’s life is on the line.”

For a moment there was no response from Resnick, and then he stirred lightly. His eyes fluttered open and he gave Sam a groggy look of half recognition.

“Titan,” he rasped.

Rio simmered with impatience. “We know it’s Titan.”

Sam shot Rio a scowl to silence him and then returned his attention to Resnick.

Resnick tried to raise his hand to grasp Sam’s shirt. Sam caught Resnick’s hand and held on so he wouldn’t overexert himself.

“Was looking up a lead I had when I was shot. Take a look at Gordon Farnsworth. He’s dirty but pays a lot of damn money for legitimacy. He’s got his fingers into damn near everything under the sun. Politics. Military. Funds other countries. Drugs. Gun running. There isn’t much he hasn’t done. He’s on everyone’s list but he’s slick as snot and no one’s been able to nail him on shit yet. He’s someone who would have had access to Titan and also the means to purchase their services.”

Sam frowned. “Why would he want Grace? Money? Sell her to the highest bidder?”

Resnick slowly shook his head then made a choking sound. He went gray, and for a minute, Rio thought they’d lost him. He leaned forward, desperate to know what Res-nick could tell them.

“Has a daughter,” Resnick rasped out. “Rumor is she’s very ill and he’s desperate to save her. All the money in the world can’t buy her a cure. He’s tried. She’s the only thing he loves. The only thing that makes him halfway human. She is his one weakness. The one thing that can be used against him.”

Rio straightened, his face going tight, his nostrils flaring. The bastard didn’t want Grace for any research program. He didn’t want her for the military and what she would mean for soldiers in battle. He wanted her to save his daughter.

“Find him,” Resnick whispered. “If he’s after Grace, I’d bet all I own that he wants her because she’s the only person who can save his daughter.”

Garrett pushed forward. “Do you know where he is, Adam? Do you have any information at all?”

Resnick sank into the pillow, and for a long moment was silent, his chest barely moving with air exchange. Phillips shot them a nervous look.

“Maybe you should go now. The nurse would have a fit if she knew we were pushing him this far.”

Rio leaned down, so he was just inches from Resnick’s face. “You care about her. You care about her and Shea both. You tried to protect them. Shea has Nathan, but now Grace has me. I’m going to get her back, Resnick. If I have to turn the whole goddamn world over, I’m going to get her back. Now help us, damn it. Anything. Give us a starting point. You have to know something. You’re a goddamn library of classified information.”

Resnick’s eyes opened to narrow slits, like he didn’t have the strength to open them farther.

“It’s rumored he has an island in the Mediterranean, just off the coast of Greece. He’s generous to the local economy, and with Greece in the economic state it’s currently in, his money has bought a lot of loyalty. Even if they do know who and what he is, they’ll never give him up because he provides jobs for the entire island and keeps the economy afloat.

“He’s flown in doctors from all over the world, and the word is, they’ve all told him the same thing. That there is no hope and that she doesn’t have long. Such news would have made him desperate enough to

do whatever it took to save her.”

Resnick paused and labored to catch his breath. His face was strained and it was evident he was in a great deal of pain. Again, Phillips stepped forward as if to put an end to the inquisition, but Resnick stopped him with a barely raised hand.

“Most notable is that CIA surveillance tapped into a phone conversation between Farnsworth and the man they believe led Titan when it was still in existence.”

“Hancock,” Rio muttered. “Goddamn Hancock.”

Sam put a hand on Resnick’s arm. “Thank you, Adam.”

Resnick stared up at Rio. “You just get her back. I very much want to meet the woman I consider a sister.”

Rio swallowed and nodded. “Failure isn’t an option.”

“Unfortunately that is also Titan’s motto,” Resnick said quietly.

“Yes, I know,” Rio said calmly. “I’m the one who coined it for them.”


“YOU realize if you try to communicate with your boyfriend, Rio, that you’ll just get him killed.”

“Fuck off,” Grace said rudely from her perch on the couch in the airplane. They’d flown from the airstrip in the small jet that Hancock had appropriated from Rio’s group, but they’d landed an hour later and boarded a larger jet, taking off immediately. She still had no idea where they were going and she was pissed enough not to feel fear. Yet.

Hancock laughed. “I can see what he sees in you. You’re well matched, I think. I can’t ever imagine Rio with a dainty little mouse. He’d eat her alive.”

Grace faked a yawn. “I’m not interested in your analysis of Rio’s love life. I want to know where the hell you’re taking me and why.”

Hancock ignored her and looked out the window before checking one of his handheld devices. “We’ll be landing soon.”

“Soon? Soon would have been six hours ago. We’ve been on this plane forever.”

“Such a complainer. Don’t bite the hand that will have to keep you alive once you’ve served your purpose,” he said in a dangerously soft voice.

The subtle threat sent chills dancing up her spine.

She glanced toward the window, but Hancock snapped it shut, blocking her view. All she knew was it was daylight and they were over a large body of water.

She wouldn’t panic yet. There was plenty of time to glean information to pass on to Rio. Shea had been a quiet presence in her mind. As was Rio. It was the only reason she hadn’t lost her composure yet.

Neither had tried to talk to her. She’d been very specific in asking them not to use the pathway until she initiated contact. Knowing Rio, he’d wait only so long before his impatience got the better of him and he would be yelling in her head, asking her if she was okay.

Strangely, that thought brought her comfort. It was nice to have someone who cared.

The plane continued its sharp descent and then she heard the sound of the landing gear lowering. She instinctively braced herself, tensing until they touched down.

Now fear began a steady thrum in her chest. She tried to swallow it back, but it chooked her, cutting off her air.

This was it. Wherever it was that Hancock was taking her, they were here and hell awaited.

Grace, goddamn it, I can feel your fear. Tell me what the hell is going on. Where are you? Can you tell me anything about your location?

Rio’s voice blew into her mind, taking away some of the fear that threatened to overwhelm her.

We just landed. I don’t know anything more yet.

She forced calm into her message and made sure to include Shea. Neither of them needed her to be hysterical. They felt helpless enough not knowing her fate, not knowing what lay in store for her or where she was.

I’ll tell you more when I’m able. Please be patient. He watches me and he knows when I’m communicating with you. I have to remain conscious or I’ll never be able to give you any information.

I’m going to kill that son of a bitch for hurting you, Rio seethed.

But Grace shut him out, forcing a bland expression to her face. Emotionless. Untouchable. She wouldn’t show this man her fear. She wouldn’t show anyone how terrified she was. She was finished being a victim, and by God, she was through wishing to die. She wanted to live. She was going to live. She’d promised Rio she’d do whatever it damn well took to survive, and it was one promise she wasn’t going to break.

To her dismay, Hancock jerked her upward, twisted her arms behind her back and handcuffed her wrists. Then he hastily tied a blindfold around her eyes before the hatch opened so they could disembark.

She was careful to keep her emotions in check because they would only set Rio off again and Shea would worry more than she already was.

Hancock’s men filed off the plane and then Hancock took her arm in a surprisingly gentle grip and guided her toward the steps.

“Watch your step,” he ordered. “First one coming up. Stay beside me and take your time.”

“It wouldn’t do to have the lab rat break her neck before she can perform,” Grace said nastily.

“If you break your neck, I don’t get paid.”

“I hope you choke on your damn blood money.”

He chuckled. “In another situation, I just might like you, Grace. But quite frankly you’ve been nothing but a pain in my ass since I took this mission and I’ll be happy to see the back of you.”

“The feeling is entirely mutual,” she snarled.

She found herself shoved into the back of a car. It was comfortable. Expensive leather. It even smelled expensive. The ride was smooth too. Unlike the various vehicles she’d been hauled around in when she’d been captured before.

“Who do you work for?” she asked softly.

“You’ll meet him soon enough.”

Him. Not them. One person. She didn’t know what to make of that revelation.

I don’t think this is the government or some lab like last time, Rio. She tried to keep the worry out of her message. It has a different feel. Not much has been said but I just got off a plane and I’ve been on one since we left you in Virginia. Hancock just said “him” when I asked who he worked for. Not “them.” Not some faceless group. He said “him.” But I’m blindfolded so I can’t see anything!

We’re on our way, honey. I don’t want you to worry, okay? I want you to stall for time. Do what you need to do but do not make them angry. If your chy. If yooices are to submit or for them to hurt you, then you damn well do what they want you to do. Do you understand? No matter what happens, baby, you and I will deal with it together. I’ll always be here for you. You’ll never be alone again.

She closed her eyes, knowing Hancock wouldn’t be able to see through the blindfold. She knew exactly what Rio was telling her. No matter how bad it got. No matter what she was asked to do. No matter what was done to her. He didn’t want her to give up and choose to die. He wanted her to live.

I’ll be here waiting. I know you’ll come for me, Rio.

She poured every ounce of her trust, her faith, her absolute belief in this man. He loved her. She had no doubt. He was an honorable man no matter what he thought of himself or his past choices. She knew without doubt that he’d move heaven and earth to bring her home again. Home to him.

What seemed an eternity later, the car ground to a halt and the doors opened. There was urgency to everyone’s movements. Orders were issued in stilted English, with an accent she didn’t recognize.

Hancock yanked her roughly from the car and shoved her forward. Her tennis shoes crunched the gravel beneath them and then she nearly stumbled when it turned to smooth pavement. Hancock righted her and continued forward past the sound of bubbling water. A fountain?

The air was warm. Hot even. She could feel the sun’s direct rays on her arms. The smell of salt was heavy in the air and a breeze blew over her, bringing with it the feel of the sea. They were close to the water.

As soon as they stepped inside the building or house or whatever the hell it was, the air was much cooler. She went through a series of hallways before Hancock finally stopped.

She heard the door in front of her fly open and she took an instinctive step back, bumping into Hancock.

“Is this her? Is she the one?” a man demanded in a voice that sent fear snaking down her spine once more. There was something about his voice. It reeked of desperation. It was cold, hard and determined. Evil.

Her pulse sped up and her hands began to shake in the cuffs that still circled her wrists.

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