But I don’t say anything; I simply watch her.

“You don’t agree with me?”

“It doesn’t matter if I agree or not.” No, I don’t fucking agree.

“But you don’t.”

“Gabby,” I begin, then stop and frown. “Is your name short for Gabrielle?”

She blinks rapidly at the change of subject. “Yes, why?”

“Just curious. It doesn’t matter if I agree. If I disagree, will you take the week off?”

“I can’t.”


Finally, she scoots off my lap and runs her hands down her pretty white blouse and denim shorts, as though she’s smoothing wrinkles. “Thanks for the chat.”

I stand next to her and cage her against the railing of the porch. “Look at me.”

She raises her face to mine. Her eyes look almost gold today. They’re still a little sad, and I’m going to do my damnedest to change that, as soon as possible.

She catches her lower lip between her teeth and braces her hands on my forearms, and there’s that awareness, shooting between us again.

The chemistry is off the fucking charts.

I pluck her lip out of her teeth, and want with all of my soul to lean in and kiss her. My thumb brushes over the damp skin of her lip as I lean in and sweep my lips over her soft forehead.

“I have work,” she whispers, but doesn’t let go of me. “Sinceriously.”

“Sinceriously?” I chuckle and comb my fingers through the hair at the back of her neck.

“It’s a Sam word. He says it means he’s sincerely serious.”

“Ah.” I kiss her forehead once more, acutely aware, with every seven-odd-billion nerves in my body, of her pressed against me. “Then I guess you should get to it.”

She nods, her eyes closed, then snaps them open and ducks out of my arms. “Don’t you have something to do?”

“I’m sure I can find something.”

A cold shower might be a good place to start.

She nods and disappears inside, closing the door behind her. I walk down the steps and between the ancient oak trees, take a deep breath to calm my freaking libido, and dial Kate’s number.

“What’s up, handsome?”



I grin at her response. “How difficult would it be to have someone come cover at the inn for Gabby once or twice this week? During the evening, so I can take her out on a couple dates.”

There’s a long pause, and then I can hear the smile in Kate’s voice as she says, “Are you sweet on Miss Gabby, cousin o’ mine?”

“I am,” I reply truthfully. There’s no bullshitting anyone about this. I’m not ashamed of it. “So can you help me or not?”

“I can help. I’ll make some calls. She has the rest of today off, you know. It’s Sunday.”

“I know, and I plan to do something fun with her, but she deserves a damn night off now and again.”

“I completely agree. I’ll make it happen. What nights do you want?”

“It doesn’t matter,” I reply. “Maybe one of the nights can be when Declan is playing.”

“Wow,” Kate says with a whistle. “You can be very sweet when you want to be.”

“Don’t let it get out,” I growl. “I don’t need batters thinking I won’t crush them at the plate.”

“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”


It’s late afternoon, and I’ve let Gabby be most of the day. It wasn’t easy. I want to march in that house, scoop her up, and carry her off to bed.

And at some point, in the not too distant future, I’m going to do just that. I can’t wait to watch her magnificent eyes go wide as I just reach down and lift her in my arms.

The thought of it brings a smile to my face.

Oh yeah, I’m gonna do that soon.

But for today, I think she needed some space. I could hear her music blaring in the house from the barn as I worked out and put my shoulder through a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

At one point, the music stopped and I could hear her laugh through the open windows in the back of the house. Her laugh makes my skin tingle.

Jesus, I have it bad.

The music is off now as well as I come out of my room, fresh from a shower and ready to have my eyes on her.

I find her in her office, her phone tucked between her ear and shoulder, filing papers.

“I’m so glad you’re already having fun, buddy.”

She sees me and offers me a sweet smile as I lean my shoulder against the doorjamb, cross my arms over my chest, and listen unabashedly.

“Okay, go jump back in the pool. I’ll talk to you soon.” She ends the call and sets the phone on her desk. “He’s having fun.”


“What are you up to?”

I push away from the door and move to the desk, lean my hands on it, and stare her in the eyes, which widen. She bites that lip, and I’m suddenly on high alert, all over again.

“I want to take you somewhere,” I whisper.

“Where?” Her voice is soft, and a little shaky.

“Anywhere. Let’s just get in the car and drive, see where we end up.”

Her face lights up, and I know in this moment, I’ll keep doing anything she wants if I can keep that smile on her face.

“I haven’t taken a drive in…forever.”

“Let’s do it then.”


“Oh my God!” Gabby yells out with a laugh. “My hair is out of control!”

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