As the discussion moved from insurance inspecting to roses and rings, Charly sensed McKinnon moving off out of hearing range. Tough luck, McKinnon, she thought. Foiled again. Mrs. Gordon was quite friendly now, and apologized to Charly because her husband was in town, and could she do her inspecting without him? Charly assured her that would be no problem and got on with it. McKinnon followed silently.

Climbing around through barns was nothing new to Charly, but doing so dressed as she was, was a nuisance. She hated having to be aware of her clothing all the time and vowed this would be the last day she was dressed inappropriately. It would be easier to get at wiring to check it more carefully if she was in blue jeans, as she would be at home. Oh well, tomorrow was another day.

Her notes complete and pictures taken, Charly returned to the driver's seat of the SUV, ignoring McKinnon as he again folded his length into the tight quarters. She replaced the Gordons' file and withdrew the next one, glanced at the map, and started the engine. He buckled up his belt, and proceeded to stare out through the windshield.

Driving to the next farm, Charly had some time to wonder about him. How could anybody stay silent for so long and be so gloomy? It just wasn't natural. Why all the animosity towards her? Although she had a strong feeling it wasn't just her. In fact, she'd be willing to bet he treated all females with the same distant dislike.

Being a very outgoing person herself, Charly was finding it more and more difficult to remain silent, but knew herself well enough to know that if she started a conversation and he didn't respond, she would likely end up being very rude. And she couldn't afford to be just now. So she held her tongue and drove on.

A surprise awaited her at the last farm of the day. When the door was opened, an old school friend, with whom she had lost contact, greeted her enthusiastically. She could almost sense McKinnon snorting with derision as they rapidly chatted about the years they had lost. She deliber- ately prolonged the conversation an extra few minutes.

After promising to return on her days off sometime for a real visit, Charly completed the inspection. She was aware that McKinnon had perched himself against a bale of hay and was letting her get on with it by herself. Could that mean he was beginning to trust her, or was he just testing her? She wasn't really concerned because she knew her inspections were thorough and professional. Copyright 2016 - 2024