When the lecture was finished, she hurried up to the room to see McKinnon, only to find a note instead.

`Have to make the rounds of the hospitality suites. See you at the banquet.'

In a way, she was pleased because it meant that she could take her time getting bathed and dressed. She knew a dance followed the banquet, but she didn't worry about the seating arrangements, the dance, or anything else that might transpire. She was content to let events unroll in their own way and time, knowing that it would be right.

When she was dressed and made up and McKinnon still hadn't returned, she waited until it was nearly time for the banquet and then went down to the hall. Each of the ladies was being given a small corsage and she waited in line for hers, looking around now with interest, wondering where he might be. She had been given her meal ticket, and knew what table she was assigned, but she had no idea if he would be at the same one.

Her corsage pinned in place, she slowly entered the room, not seeing any of her group. She wove her way through the tables, reading the numbers as she went, finally locating hers in the corner near the dais. None of the others had arrived yet, so she treated herself to a chair facing front. She became absorbed in studying the dresses the other women were wearing. Many of the directors had brought their wives with them, although her company didn't do so.

She felt a hand settle on her shoulder, and looked up to see McKinnon smiling down into her eyes. He pulled out the chair next to her and settled himself close beside her. Like he really doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks, she mused.

His behaviour towards her throughout dinner and the speeches was friendly, but he kept his comments general and included the others in their conversations as much as possible. When dinner was over, however, he claimed her for the first dance and led her out onto the floor with an arm around her shoulders.

Before the dance ended, she knew it had been a mistake for them to participate. So much had happened between them in the past few months without any physical meetings that they were attuned to each other to a degree she had never experienced before. She knew what he was going to say before he said it, she knew what he was feeling without any words being spoken, and she was aware that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

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