"This dream symbolizes the integration of the other aspects of yourself - the unity forming with your subconscious and super-conscious minds, and the feminine aspects of your personality. It really has nothing to do with sex. However, should you dream of rabbits..."

Then another day when his dream stated simply, `Dreamed of a bunch of celery and some lettuce', she wrote back immediately, `Eat more fresh vegetables! If you see a food that is black or has an X on it, it means that you should avoid it. Chalk up another one for your good old subconscious. He's trying to get your body into better physical condition, so pay attention."

As his dreams began to show more depth, and symbols indicating cleansing with greater frequency, she told him to be prepared for long-forgotten memories to begin surfacing. `The symbols of washing, doing laundry, etc. are a means of telling you that you are getting rid of a lot of `garbage' that you've been carrying around in your subconscious. If you find yourself becoming very quiet inside some day, just go off by yourself and relax. A memory will surface and along with it will come a better understanding of it. Recognize it and let it go. Each time this happens, you will find yourself beginning to feel lighter, although that isn't really the correct term. Another of those things that would be better described with symbols!'

There were dreams that she couldn't interpret and she told him to come back to them in several weeks, maybe even months, because they were probably about future events and would make sense later on. And she told him what it meant when he dreamed of an explosion in which he was killed.

`This does not mean to write out your will and buy a coffin. It simply means that there is a major change about to take place within you. Congratulations! Your progress is great!"

She still took great care and pride in her job, dealing with problems that came up with a professionalism that even surprised her at times. She was aware of a newfound peace within herself and decided that it came from the closeness she was sharing with McKinnon through their dreams. And she was always aware of how her feelings for him were becoming deeper and stronger as the days, weeks and months slipped by.

As Christmas approached, she began to hope that they could spend even a few hours together. She longed to feel his arms around her once more, his lips on hers. She had kept a damper on all sexual feelings, but she found, as she thought of seeing him, they began to surface. Her mind was weaving daydreams of an evening by the fire shared with him, the exchange of gifts, the tree with its decorations gleaming in the firelight, the smell of wood smoke and the crackle of logs as they burned. She thought long and hard about what she could give him for a Christmas gift and finally settled on a book that she felt would help him the most. It was `Dreams - Your Magic Mirror' by Elsie Siechrist and gave the interpretations of many dreams as explained by Edgar Cayce while he was in trance.

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