These days past, when sending Your Excellency my plays, that had appeared

in print before being shown on the stage, I said, if I remember well,

that Don Quixote was putting on his spurs to go and render homage to Your

Excellency. Now I say that "with his spurs, he is on his way." Should he

reach destination methinks I shall have rendered some service to Your

Excellency, as from many parts I am urged to send him off, so as to

dispel the loathing and disgust caused by another Don Quixote who, under

the name of Second Part, has run masquerading through the whole world.

And he who has shown the greatest longing for him has been the great

Emperor of China, who wrote me a letter in Chinese a month ago and sent

it by a special courier. He asked me, or to be truthful, he begged me to

send him Don Quixote, for he intended to found a college where the

Spanish tongue would be taught, and it was his wish that the book to be

read should be the History of Don Quixote. He also added that I should go

and be the rector of this college. I asked the bearer if His Majesty had

afforded a sum in aid of my travel expenses. He answered, "No, not even

in thought."

"Then, brother," I replied, "you can return to your China, post haste or

at whatever haste you are bound to go, as I am not fit for so long a

travel and, besides being ill, I am very much without money, while

Emperor for Emperor and Monarch for Monarch, I have at Naples the great

Count of Lemos, who, without so many petty titles of colleges and

rectorships, sustains me, protects me and does me more favour than I can

wish for."

Thus I gave him his leave and I beg mine from you, offering Your

Excellency the "Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda," a book I shall finish

within four months, Deo volente, and which will be either the worst or

the best that has been composed in our language, I mean of those intended

for entertainment; at which I repent of having called it the worst, for,

in the opinion of friends, it is bound to attain the summit of possible

quality. May Your Excellency return in such health that is wished you;

Persiles will be ready to kiss your hand and I your feet, being as I am,

Your Excellency's most humble servant.

From Madrid, this last day of October of the year one thousand six

hundred and fifteen. Copyright 2016 - 2024