"This large one here," said the barber, "is called 'The Treasury of

various Poems.'"

"If there were not so many of them," said the curate, "they would be more

relished: this book must be weeded and cleansed of certain vulgarities

which it has with its excellences; let it be preserved because the author

is a friend of mine, and out of respect for other more heroic and loftier

works that he has written."

"This," continued the barber, "is the 'Cancionero' of Lopez de


"The author of that book, too," said the curate, "is a great friend of

mine, and his verses from his own mouth are the admiration of all who

hear them, for such is the sweetness of his voice that he enchants when

he chants them: it gives rather too much of its eclogues, but what is

good was never yet plentiful: let it be kept with those that have been

set apart. But what book is that next it?"

"The 'Galatea' of Miguel de Cervantes," said the barber.

"That Cervantes has been for many years a great friend of mine, and to my

knowledge he has had more experience in reverses than in verses. His book

has some good invention in it, it presents us with something but brings

nothing to a conclusion: we must wait for the Second Part it promises:

perhaps with amendment it may succeed in winning the full measure of

grace that is now denied it; and in the mean time do you, senor gossip,

keep it shut up in your own quarters."

"Very good," said the barber; "and here come three together, the

'Araucana' of Don Alonso de Ercilla, the 'Austriada' of Juan Rufo,

Justice of Cordova, and the 'Montserrate' of Christobal de Virues, the

Valencian poet."

"These three books," said the curate, "are the best that have been

written in Castilian in heroic verse, and they may compare with the most

famous of Italy; let them be preserved as the richest treasures of poetry

that Spain possesses."

The curate was tired and would not look into any more books, and so he

decided that, "contents uncertified," all the rest should be burned; but

just then the barber held open one, called "The Tears of Angelica."

"I should have shed tears myself," said the curate when he heard the

title, "had I ordered that book to be burned, for its author was one of

the famous poets of the world, not to say of Spain, and was very happy in

the translation of some of Ovid's fables."

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