To which Don Quixote very deliberately and phlegmatically replied, "Fair

damsel, at the present moment your request is inopportune, for I am

debarred from involving myself in any adventure until I have brought to a

happy conclusion one to which my word has pledged me; but that which I

can do for you is what I will now mention: run and tell your father to

stand his ground as well as he can in this battle, and on no account to

allow himself to be vanquished, while I go and request permission of the

Princess Micomicona to enable me to succour him in his distress; and if

she grants it, rest assured I will relieve him from it."

"Sinner that I am," exclaimed Maritornes, who stood by; "before you have

got your permission my master will be in the other world."

"Give me leave, senora, to obtain the permission I speak of," returned

Don Quixote; "and if I get it, it will matter very little if he is in the

other world; for I will rescue him thence in spite of all the same world

can do; or at any rate I will give you such a revenge over those who

shall have sent him there that you will be more than moderately

satisfied;" and without saying anything more he went and knelt before

Dorothea, requesting her Highness in knightly and errant phrase to be

pleased to grant him permission to aid and succour the castellan of that

castle, who now stood in grievous jeopardy. The princess granted it

graciously, and he at once, bracing his buckler on his arm and drawing

his sword, hastened to the inn-gate, where the two guests were still

handling the landlord roughly; but as soon as he reached the spot he

stopped short and stood still, though Maritornes and the landlady asked

him why he hesitated to help their master and husband.

"I hesitate," said Don Quixote, "because it is not lawful for me to draw

sword against persons of squirely condition; but call my squire Sancho to

me; for this defence and vengeance are his affair and business."

Thus matters stood at the inn-gate, where there was a very lively

exchange of fisticuffs and punches, to the sore damage of the landlord

and to the wrath of Maritornes, the landlady, and her daughter, who were

furious when they saw the pusillanimity of Don Quixote, and the hard

treatment their master, husband and father was undergoing. But let us

leave him there; for he will surely find some one to help him, and if

not, let him suffer and hold his tongue who attempts more than his

strength allows him to do; and let us go back fifty paces to see what Don

Luis said in reply to the Judge whom we left questioning him privately as

to his reasons for coming on foot and so meanly dressed. Copyright 2016 - 2024