"All that is here in Spanish is what the Moorish paper contains, and you

must bear in mind that when it says 'Lela Marien' it means 'Our Lady the

Virgin Mary.'"

We read the paper and it ran thus:

"When I was a child my father had a slave who taught me to pray the

Christian prayer in my own language, and told me many things about Lela

Marien. The Christian died, and I know that she did not go to the fire,

but to Allah, because since then I have seen her twice, and she told me

to go to the land of the Christians to see Lela Marien, who had great

love for me. I know not how to go. I have seen many Christians, but

except thyself none has seemed to me to be a gentleman. I am young and

beautiful, and have plenty of money to take with me. See if thou canst

contrive how we may go, and if thou wilt thou shalt be my husband there,

and if thou wilt not it will not distress me, for Lela Marien will find

me some one to marry me. I myself have written this: have a care to whom

thou givest it to read: trust no Moor, for they are all perfidious. I am

greatly troubled on this account, for I would not have thee confide in

anyone, because if my father knew it he would at once fling me down a

well and cover me with stones. I will put a thread to the reed; tie the

answer to it, and if thou hast no one to write for thee in Arabic, tell

it to me by signs, for Lela Marien will make me understand thee. She and

Allah and this cross, which I often kiss as the captive bade me, protect


Judge, sirs, whether we had reason for surprise and joy at the words of

this paper; and both one and the other were so great, that the renegade

perceived that the paper had not been found by chance, but had been in

reality addressed to some one of us, and he begged us, if what he

suspected were the truth, to trust him and tell him all, for he would

risk his life for our freedom; and so saying he took out from his breast

a metal crucifix, and with many tears swore by the God the image

represented, in whom, sinful and wicked as he was, he truly and

faithfully believed, to be loyal to us and keep secret whatever we chose

to reveal to him; for he thought and almost foresaw that by means of her

who had written that paper, he and all of us would obtain our liberty,

and he himself obtain the object he so much desired, his restoration to

the bosom of the Holy Mother Church, from which by his own sin and

ignorance he was now severed like a corrupt limb. The renegade said this

with so many tears and such signs of repentance, that with one consent we

all agreed to tell him the whole truth of the matter, and so we gave him

a full account of all, without hiding anything from him. We pointed out

to him the window at which the reed appeared, and he by that means took

note of the house, and resolved to ascertain with particular care who

lived in it. We agreed also that it would be advisable to answer the

Moorish lady's letter, and the renegade without a moment's delay took

down the words I dictated to him, which were exactly what I shall tell

you, for nothing of importance that took place in this affair has escaped

my memory, or ever will while life lasts. This, then, was the answer

returned to the Moorish lady:

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