As for him, coming out upon the high road, he made for El Toboso, and the

next day reached the inn where the mishap of the blanket had befallen

him. As soon as he recognised it he felt as if he were once more living

through the air, and he could not bring himself to enter it though it was

an hour when he might well have done so, for it was dinner-time, and he

longed to taste something hot as it had been all cold fare with him for

many days past. This craving drove him to draw near to the inn, still

undecided whether to go in or not, and as he was hesitating there came

out two persons who at once recognised him, and said one to the other:

"Senor licentiate, is not he on the horse there Sancho Panza who, our

adventurer's housekeeper told us, went off with her master as esquire?"

"So it is," said the licentiate, "and that is our friend Don Quixote's

horse;" and if they knew him so well it was because they were the curate

and the barber of his own village, the same who had carried out the

scrutiny and sentence upon the books; and as soon as they recognised

Sancho Panza and Rocinante, being anxious to hear of Don Quixote, they

approached, and calling him by his name the curate said, "Friend Sancho

Panza, where is your master?"

Sancho recognised them at once, and determined to keep secret the place

and circumstances where and under which he had left his master, so he

replied that his master was engaged in a certain quarter on a certain

matter of great importance to him which he could not disclose for the

eyes in his head.

"Nay, nay," said the barber, "if you don't tell us where he is, Sancho

Panza, we will suspect as we suspect already, that you have murdered and

robbed him, for here you are mounted on his horse; in fact, you must

produce the master of the hack, or else take the consequences."

"There is no need of threats with me," said Sancho, "for I am not a man

to rob or murder anybody; let his own fate, or God who made him, kill

each one; my master is engaged very much to his taste doing penance in

the midst of these mountains;" and then, offhand and without stopping, he

told them how he had left him, what adventures had befallen him, and how

he was carrying a letter to the lady Dulcinea del Toboso, the daughter of

Lorenzo Corchuelo, with whom he was over head and ears in love. They were

both amazed at what Sancho Panza told them; for though they were aware of

Don Quixote's madness and the nature of it, each time they heard of it

they were filled with fresh wonder. They then asked Sancho Panza to show

them the letter he was carrying to the lady Dulcinea del Toboso. He said

it was written in a note-book, and that his master's directions were that

he should have it copied on paper at the first village he came to. On

this the curate said if he showed it to him, he himself would make a fair

copy of it. Sancho put his hand into his bosom in search of the note-book

but could not find it, nor, if he had been searching until now, could he

have found it, for Don Quixote had kept it, and had never given it to

him, nor had he himself thought of asking for it. When Sancho discovered

he could not find the book his face grew deadly pale, and in great haste

he again felt his body all over, and seeing plainly it was not to be

found, without more ado he seized his beard with both hands and plucked

away half of it, and then, as quick as he could and without stopping,

gave himself half a dozen cuffs on the face and nose till they were

bathed in blood. Copyright 2016 - 2024