He was more successful in a literary contest at Saragossa in 1595 in

honour of the canonisation of St. Jacinto, when his composition won the

first prize, three silver spoons. The year before this he had been

appointed a collector of revenues for the kingdom of Granada. In order to

remit the money he had collected more conveniently to the treasury, he

entrusted it to a merchant, who failed and absconded; and as the

bankrupt's assets were insufficient to cover the whole, he was sent to

prison at Seville in September 1597. The balance against him, however,

was a small one, about 26l., and on giving security for it he was

released at the end of the year.

It was as he journeyed from town to town collecting the king's taxes,

that he noted down those bits of inn and wayside life and character that

abound in the pages of "Don Quixote:" the Benedictine monks with

spectacles and sunshades, mounted on their tall mules; the strollers in

costume bound for the next village; the barber with his basin on his

head, on his way to bleed a patient; the recruit with his breeches in his

bundle, tramping along the road singing; the reapers gathered in the

venta gateway listening to "Felixmarte of Hircania" read out to them; and

those little Hogarthian touches that he so well knew how to bring in, the

ox-tail hanging up with the landlord's comb stuck in it, the wine-skins

at the bed-head, and those notable examples of hostelry art, Helen going

off in high spirits on Paris's arm, and Dido on the tower dropping tears

as big as walnuts. Nay, it may well be that on those journeys into remote

regions he came across now and then a specimen of the pauper gentleman,

with his lean hack and his greyhound and his books of chivalry, dreaming

away his life in happy ignorance that the world had changed since his

great-grandfather's old helmet was new. But it was in Seville that he

found out his true vocation, though he himself would not by any means

have admitted it to be so. It was there, in Triana, that he was first

tempted to try his hand at drawing from life, and first brought his

humour into play in the exquisite little sketch of "Rinconete y

Cortadillo," the germ, in more ways than one, of "Don Quixote."

Where and when that was written, we cannot tell. After his imprisonment

all trace of Cervantes in his official capacity disappears, from which it

may be inferred that he was not reinstated. That he was still in Seville

in November 1598 appears from a satirical sonnet of his on the elaborate

catafalque erected to testify the grief of the city at the death of

Philip II, but from this up to 1603 we have no clue to his movements. The

words in the preface to the First Part of "Don Quixote" are generally

held to be conclusive that he conceived the idea of the book, and wrote

the beginning of it at least, in a prison, and that he may have done so

is extremely likely.

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