“I was upset.”

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I didn’t follow you,” I remind her.

“How did you get in the house?”

“Your dad and I talked. He told me what room you were in and sent me up.”

“What?” she whispers.

“Though I gotta say, baby. I thought you said your dad was a hippy. He sure as hell doesn’t strike me as one.”

“I don’t know what’s going on with my dad,” she mutters.

“He’s probably seeing that his brand of parenting hasn’t been working.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen my dad look disappointed or angry, and he was both tonight. It was freaky.”

“Freaky,” I repeat with a smile that she must hear, cause her hand smacks against my chest.

“Freaky, and it’s not funny; it’s weird.”

“I think it’s a good thing. He cares, baby, and he’s showing it.”

“I guess you’re right,” she mumbles, and I run my hand down her back and pull up her shirt so I can run my fingers over her skin, and realize her ass is bare. “Sven,” she whispers as I tug her up to straddle me.

“Gotta be quiet, baby. Your mom said she heard you cryin’ through the walls, which means she’ll hear if you’re too loud.” I shift and pull down my boxers, feeling her wet heat against my abs as I do, and then whip her shirt off over her head.

“I don’t know if I can be quiet,” she whimpers the truth as I adjust her again and fill her with one stroke. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hold her in place, drop my forehead to her chest, and grit my teeth to keep from coming. No matter how many fucking times I get inside her, nothing can prepare me for it.

Her hands move to my shoulders and her hips rock forward ever so slightly.

“Fuck,” I hiss as I tilt my head back, smooth my hand up her back and into her hair, and pull her mouth down to mine. I then use my grip on her waist to rock her against me as I swallow down her moans. Her hands wrap tighter around my shoulders and her nails dig into my skin as her rhythm picks up. Lifting her, I get to my knees then put her on her back. “I want to fuck you,” I whisper against her mouth, keeping my pace slow, knowing I can’t do what I want to do. Maggie’s parents are somewhere in the house along with her sister, and Maggie doesn’t know how to be quiet.

“Sven,” she whispers back as her walls contract. Covering her mouth with my hand, I dip my head and tug her nipple. Her walls contract again, this time pulling me deeper. Kissing the tip of her nipple one last time, I move to her other breast. As she moans against my palm, her legs lock around my waist and her hips buck as she comes. Lifting up, I cover her mouth once more with mine and groan down her throat as I come hard, planting myself deep, and pull my mouth from hers.

“I love you,” she says, sliding a hand up my back.

“Love you too, baby.” I kiss her softly then roll us and settle her against my side.

“We’re upside down,” she whispers then giggles, burying her face against my chest to cover her laughter. Smiling, I fix us both in the bed, settle her at my side, and drag the covers up over us.

“Tired?” I ask, feeling her smile against my chest before she answers softly.

“It’s been a long day.”

“We need to talk about one more thing before you go to sleep,” I tell her quietly, running my hand up her back again, wrapping my fingers around the back of her neck.

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“It’s not,” I agree, and her body tenses.

I smooth my hand down her back again. “Some shit’s been going down for awhile, shit that you don’t need to know the details of, but shit that has put me in the position of telling you about it, regardless.”

“Okay, now I’m freaked,” she mutters, pressing closer.

“Don’t freak, baby. Just listen and know that no matter what happens this shit won’t touch you,” I say softly then tell her the rest, filling her in on Kenton and what happened with him and his wife, Autumn, about Kai and his wife, Myla, and then I fill her in on Paulie and his now dead son, and what that means for me and her.

“Holy cow,” she whispers when I finish, and I fight it, but I can’t help it; I feel myself smile. I just told her that we are planning on taking out one of the biggest crime bosses in Vegas, and her response is ‘Holy cow.’

“You okay?”

“I don’t know that I would say. I’m okay, but I will say that no matter what happens, I’ll have your back.”

Shaking my head, I roll her to her back and loom over her. “You’re not going to be involved in this, Maggie. When the time comes, we’ll stay at Kai’s place. Myla and Autumn will be there as well. You girls will stay put and under radar, where you will be safe.”

“So I’m supposed to just let you do whatever it is you’re doing, while I sit at home.”

“Yep,” I agree, and even in the dark, I see her eyes narrow.

“Don’t get pissed, baby.”

“Too late,” she replies, and I laugh. “You’re not the boss—”

Covering her mouth with mine, I spread her legs with my knees and sink into her so hard that her breath leaves in a whoosh, and then I spend my time keeping her quiet.

“HOLY CRAP.” OPENING one eye then the other, my gaze focuses on a woman, and it takes a moment for me to realize where I am. Moving my eyes from the woman I know to be Maggie’s sister, Morgan, to Maggie, who is holding a cup of coffee in her hand close to her mouth, hiding the smile I can still see in her eyes, I blink.

“Hungry?” Maggie asks, and my eyes move over her and they heat.

“Okay, I’ll see you guys downstairs,” Morgan mutters, leaving the room quickly, and I sit up then lean back against the headboard.

“Come here.” I hold out my hand to Maggie, and she gets into the bed on her knees then scoots toward me. Taking the cup from her, I drop it on the side table then tug her forward. “Morning, baby.”

“Morning,” she whispers, studying my face for a moment, and then her cheeks go dark and her eyes drop to my mouth.

“What time did you wake up?” I question, noticing her hair is damp but not wet, so I know she showered a while ago.

“An hour ago.”

Running my hand up into the back of her hair, I tilt her head toward me then whisper, “You should’ve woke me.”

“You needed to sleep.”

“You still should’ve woke me up, rather than bringing your sister in here to stare at me.”

Pressing her lips together, I can tell she’s trying not to laugh, and her eyes move over my shoulder before she mumbles, “Mom was talking to her about you before I got downstairs and told her you look like a movie star, and Morgan wanted to see for herself and wouldn’t take no for an answer when I told her she couldn’t come into the room because you were sleeping.”

“She was in the room when I woke up,” I point out the obvious.

“Yeah, she made me mad, so I let her in to prove a point.”

“To prove a point,” I repeat, feeling my brows draw together.

“It’s not important,” she mumbles, trying to pull away, but I hold her in place.

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