“One of these days, we’re going to christen this office,” he growled, his lips coming down to hers softly.

“Promise?” she asked breathlessly, wrapping one leg around the back of his in an attempt to pull him closer.


The kiss deepened, her nerve endings danced merrily and she suddenly wished they had a few spare minutes.

Cole pulled away, smiling down at her. “I know, I know. You’re supposed to be refraining for the time being.”

Sierra laughed. Yes, if Luke had his way, she would not be having sex until later that night. The night she’d been looking forward to since Cole had told her that his mother was coming for a visit. Hannah would be spending the night at her mother’s, and Victoria would be there to happily coo and cuddle with her granddaughter.

As much as she hated to be away from Hannah, and she knew Luke and Cole felt the same way, she was looking forward to having this night with them. Sort of like an opportunity to tie up some of the loose ends they’d all been feeling were present in their relationship.

In fact, that meant she had one errand to run before tonight.

“Come on,” she said, grabbing Cole’s hand and leading him back into his office and then out into the hallway. “I need to check two of the rooms, and then I’m good.”

They finished with the impromptu walk through and then headed back to the main reception area where she found Sam waiting for her.

“Can you do me a favor?” she asked in a conspiratorial tone after Cole left her to go back and talk to Luke. Sierra had a plan for the following night when the club opened, and with Sam’s help, she just might be able to pull this off.

Chapter Twenty Eight

Luke was the first one home after having spent the better part of the afternoon with Xander going over the last few details before the soft opening of the club tomorrow night. They were ready. More than ready, actually.

Because of the changes they’d made, some of them significant, some not, Luke knew his new club was a fitting tribute to the old club that they were officially letting go of. At least the fetish piece of it.

Before he did anything else, he called and ordered dinner to be delivered, grateful for the services that would deliver practically anything from any restaurant right to the front door. Since he knew tonight wasn’t the sort of night that should be celebrated with pizza and beer – well, without the pizza anyway – he knew he had to come up with something.

A few minutes after he hung up the phone, Sierra walked in, a smile spread across her face.

“What are you grinning about?”

“No reason,” she laughed as she walked into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist as she looked up at him. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

“No, in fact, I don’t think you have,” he joked, pressing his lips to the top of her head.

“Well, then, I guess you’ll have to wait a little longer until I tell you again.” Sierra stepped away from him, and Luke smacked her on the ass as she turned.

“What’s in the bag?”

“None of your business,” she answered slyly as she moved just out of his reach and disappeared into the other room. “Don’t you dare come into the bedroom until I tell you that it’s ok,” she hollered as she headed toward the master bedroom at the back of the house.

Grabbing a beer out of the refrigerator, Luke hoped it would help to calm his nerves. Or maybe just curb his excitement. He had been waiting for tonight for what seemed like forever, although it had only been a week since Cole mentioned his mother was coming into town. It had given him plenty of time to work himself up about the prospect of what would happen. Giving up total control, or even the prospect of it, was much more difficult than he expected that it would be.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the front door, and Luke went to answer, knowing it was the food and wondering where Cole was. He should’ve been there by now. Signing the receipt and adding a generous tip, Luke took the paper bags and went to work in the kitchen, getting everything set up.

By the time he was finished, Cole was strolling in the door with a grin on his face.

“What’s with everyone smiling today?” Luke asked, trying to add some of his usual irritation to his voice, but failing miserably. Although he was nervous, he wasn’t sure anything was going to spoil this night for the three of them.

“I know you didn’t cook this,” Cole said as he headed right for the fridge, grabbing a beer and then turning to face him. “Where’s Sierra?”

“In the bedroom. She threatened bodily harm if either of us go in there. Ok, maybe not you, but she told me to stay out and if I can’t see her naked, you can’t see her naked.” Luke put the last plate on the kitchen table and pulled out a bottle of wine for Sierra.

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