“God, you taste so fucking good,” he groaned into her mouth. “I need to be inside of you again.”

Sierra nodded her head, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her easily, his hands gripping her bottom as he pressed her against the tiled wall, his cock sliding deep inside of her in one thrust, forcing a moan from her lips.

“Just like that,” she encouraged. “Slow and deep. Cole. Oh, God, Cole.”

Sierra had no idea why she was rambling, but she couldn’t help herself. She was entirely lost to this man. After everything she’d been through that week, worrying that her seemingly perfect world was coming apart, she was more than willing to give him anything to make him stay. Not that she believed sex was what he needed most of all, but she had vowed that she was going to stop taking so many things for granted and focus on what was important. There was nothing more valuable to her than her two men and their sweet little girl. Nothing.

“Look at me,” Cole said roughly, lifting his mouth from her neck as he stared back at her with eyes nearly black, outlined with a small ring of midnight blue.

Sierra gave him her full attention, body, mind and soul right then and there. As he continued to ease deeper before slowly retreating from her body, she tightened her muscles the way he always enjoyed.

“Sierra…” Her name was but a tortured whisper on his lips, and Sierra had to fight back the tears. This wasn’t about sex. This was emotional, and she felt it in every molecule of her being.

“I love you,” she answered him although he hadn’t asked a question. “I love you with everything that I am. I promise you, from this moment on, I’ll never let you walk away again.”

“I don’t want to walk away. I won’t walk away. I swear to you, Sierra. I’ll never walk away again.”

Sierra saw in his eyes what she heard in his voice. Cole had needed them, even if he wasn’t much for asking for what he needed, she should’ve known. He was going through a rough time, and she’d allowed their lives to get too off course to notice. It wouldn’t happen again.

“Come for me, Cole,” she mouthed the words against his lips as the water poured down over them. “Come inside me, baby.”

Cole’s body hardened even more as he began thrusting faster, deeper until she couldn’t hold back her impending release any longer. “Come with me, Cole. Oh, God!”

Sierra’s body let go at the same time Cole did, his release meeting hers at the exact moment her heart latched onto his… Tighter this time.

Chapter Twenty Three

One month later…

Cole was just a couple of miles from the site of the new club when his cell phone rang. He figured it was Luke, trying to determine how much longer it would be before he arrived. The man was impatient like that.

Grabbing his phone from the cup holder, Cole hit the green talk button, answering with a smile.

“I’m driving as fast as I can.”

The deep, sexy laugh that echoed through the truck’s speakers made Cole smile.

“Change of plans,” Luke said in a deep, gruff voice.

“Hell. Do you know how far this place is out of the way? I’m less than five minutes away,” Cole answered, not taking his foot off the gas. He’d have to go just a little farther before he’d be able to turn around.

“You’re still going the right direction,” Luke said, rambling off another address before disconnecting the call.

Pulling off to the side of the road so that he didn’t risk having an accident, Cole entered the new destination into the GPS on his phone and waited until the directions were displayed. He was a little confused, but it wasn’t like he could question Luke. As soon as he recognized which way he needed to go, Cole put the truck in Drive and took off down the two lane highway once more. He watched as the club passed on his right and paid attention to the signs because according to the automated voice, he was going to exit in less than two miles.

Five minutes later, Cole was pulling into a gigantic circle drive in front of a monstrous white stone house. Figuring this must be Xander’s house, Cole parked behind Sierra’s Escalade and Luke’s truck before climbing out.

He was immediately drawn to the house, admiring the wide front steps, the pristine lawn and garden as he made his way up to the front door. Before he had a chance to knock, the oversized solid wood door opened and there in front of him was Luke, cradling Hannah in one arm, his hand placed protectively against the back of her head as she rested her cheek against his shoulder. Cole walked inside, pressing a kiss on Hannah’s head as he passed before taking in the rest of the house.

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