Tossing his head back, Cole closed his eyes as Luke practically bent him in half, directing his cock at an angle that damn near had him jumping off the bed. “Oh, fuck.” The words were ripped from his chest as the pleasure intensified on every upstroke. “Luke.”

“Tell me,” Luke whispered, causing Cole to open his eyes and peer up at the man who was now leaning over him. “Tell me exactly what it feels like when I’m buried deep inside of you.”

“So fucking good.” Cole tensed again as Luke purposely slid in slower, changing the angle again. “Fuck! You keep doing that, and I’m gonna come.”

“I want you to come.” Luke started pumping his hips faster, holding his body braced on the back of Cole’s thighs, his hands pinning his legs down on each side of his chest. “I want to see you stroke your cock and come for me.”

Cole began stroking slowly, but he found he began to mirror Luke’s pace. When Luke thrust harder, Cole’s hand tightened around his dick painfully. “Fuck me,” Cole begged. “I want to feel you come inside me.”

There was a turbulent flash of emotion that Cole witnessed in Luke’s eyes, seconds before he began pounding into him harder and harder, no longer adjusting the angle because the lust had taken over and they were in a race to the finish line, neither of them holding back.

“Fucking come for me,” Cole practically barked the order at Luke, holding off his own release as he waited impatiently.

“Yes. God, yes!” Luke’s voice echoed through the small room as his body stilled, his release spilling inside of Cole as he let himself go, his own orgasm ripping through him, stealing the breath from his body, followed by the last remnants of his heart that he might’ve been holding back.

Chapter Twenty One

The second Cole walked into the house, he made the decision that he wasn’t going to travel ever again. Without stopping, he immediately made his way to Hannah’s room where he found her fast asleep.

“Sorry, she just laid down for her nap,” Sierra whispered sweetly as she moved up close to his side. “I would’ve kept her awake if I knew you would be here so soon.” Cole pulled Sierra up beside him, leaning down so he could inhale her flowery scent, pressing his lips against the top of her head. God, he missed her.

Not wanting to wake Hannah, Cole laced his fingers with Sierra’s and led her out of the room and back to the living room.

For the entire five days he’d been gone, Cole had thought about both of his girls almost every minute. Even though Luke had stayed for one day with him, trying to convince him that he needed to talk to Travis – which he knew to be a lie, but loved the man even more for it – Cole still wanted nothing more than to be home with the three of them. As much as it pained him to stay the entire week and to watch Luke drive away, Cole needed time to himself. Time to think.

Now that he was home, he knew they probably needed to have a talk.

“Is Luke still at the club?”

“Yes. He said he’s leaving right at five.”

Cole nodded, trying to hold back the smile that the information caused. Although Cole and Luke had succumbed to healing their wounds by divulging in one another repeatedly during the time they were alone together in Austin, they’d managed to do some talking as well. Needless to say, they had both agreed that some changes were in order, and there was no need to put them off.

Cole led Sierra out onto the back patio, grabbing the baby monitor on his way so they could listen for Hannah while they were outside. He never let go of her hand until he was situated in one of the chairs, pulling her down on his lap where she snuggled against him easily.

“I missed you,” Sierra whispered.

“I missed you too, baby.” Cole brushed Sierra’s hair back, tucking it behind her ear as he glanced down at her where she rested her head against his shoulder.

“Luke said the two of you managed to talk some things out.” Sierra didn’t pose it as a question, but Cole sensed she was looking for some sort of affirmation that they were, in fact, good once again.

“I’m sorry I walked out the way I did,” Cole said first, intending to get into the details, but needing her to know that he realized he’d been wrong. “I should’ve talked to you and Luke first.”

Sierra lifted her head, giving Cole a front row view into ice blue eyes that saw so much more than he ever expected her to. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“No,” Cole slid his hand into her hair, gently pulling her close until their cheeks were pressed against one another. “Baby, you didn’t hurt me. I hurt myself.” Copyright 2016 - 2024