When Luke leaned over Sierra, smiling down at the baby in her arms, Cole felt a pang in his heart. Seeing Luke with a baby, their daughter, was heartwarming.

Cole watched as Luke took the tiny bundle, the strong, powerful man looking infinitely softer with a baby in his arms.

Cole could’ve sworn he noticed a fleeting moment of uncertainty flash in Luke’s green-brown eyes, but if he did, Luke quickly masked it.

Part Two

Seven weeks after the birth of their daughter...

Hannah Gabriella Ackerley

Chapter Thirteen

“Good morning,” Luke whispered close to Sierra’s ear as she snuggled beneath the blankets, covered almost to the top of her head.

“Mmmm, what time is it?” she asked.

Luke smiled as he glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. “Six thirty.” He knew he needed to get out of bed and into the shower, but he had a difficult time pulling himself away from Sierra’s soft, warm body.

Sliding his hand down beneath the blankets, Luke traced the gentle curve of her waist, then over her hip, gently squeezing her thigh.

“You know what that means, right?”

“It means I get to sleep for a few more minutes?” Sierra asked sweetly, followed by a startled laugh when Luke squeezed her thigh, tickling her in the process.

Glancing over, Luke noticed that Cole had woken, probably from Sierra’s laughter. He wasted no time rolling over and successfully trapping Sierra between the two of them. Her eyes had yet to open, but Luke saw the smile on her face and enjoyed the way she pushed her bottom against his hips.

Not willing to let the opportunity pass, Luke ground his erection against the sweet curves of Sierra’s ass, growling low in her ear.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Sierra teased, but Luke got the impression she genuinely was hoping for a couple more hours of sleep. He knew she wasn’t going to get them because any minute now Hannah was going to wake up demanding her breakfast.

“I do. I’ve got to go to work, but I can always spare a few minutes for the two of you,” he answered her, pressing his mouth against the hollow between her neck and shoulder.

Cole had yet to push too far, probably trying to work his way through the fog of sleep, but Luke saw the hunger reflected in his midnight blue eyes. Reaching over Sierra, Luke gripped Cole’s naked hip and pulled him closer.

A sudden whimper sounded on the baby monitor that lived on the bedside table alongside the clock.

“Three minutes,” Luke warned Sierra. He knew they had about that much time before Hannah made her presence known throughout the entire house.

Sierra had already roused even more now that she knew sleep was not about to come again for a little while anyway.

“Three minutes, my ass,” Sierra laughed. “You’re insatiable.”

True. Luke didn’t disagree there, but he deserved some credit. Both he and Cole had been deprived of Sierra’s sweet body for the last seven weeks thanks to her doctor’s orders. The little minx had waited until they were all dead on their feet the night before to let them know that the doctor had given her the go ahead to have sex.

Despite his body’s baser urges, Luke hadn’t been able to keep his eyes open. For the last week, they’d been learning about diapers, formula (more so than anything else) and car seats and endless other items required to care for Hannah properly. All the while, taking care of a very grumpy, extremely colicky baby, and by the time they managed to get her to sleep, the three of them were ready to pass out themselves.

Hannah’s persistent wail streamed through the monitor and Luke rolled over onto his back, grumbling as he did. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to put off burying himself inside of the woman now crawling over him to get to her feet.

“Damn woman,” Luke groaned as she straddled his hips, teasing him ruthlessly. “Do that again and you’ll find my cock buried deep in that sweet pussy without even a please to go along with it.”

Cole laughed and pushed up out of the bed before he disappeared into the bathroom. Luke knew damn well that Cole was going through the same withdrawals as he was. They were taking the term blue balls to the extreme these days.

What he didn’t understand was how their little hellcat was managing to turn them away so easily. She’d been like kindling for the last week of her pregnancy, ready and willing to go up in flames at just the slightest touch from either one of them. It seemed as though Luke’s impromptu decision to give Cole a blow job on their couch while she was making dinner had flipped a switch inside of her.

Needless to say, ever since Hannah was born, they’d managed to refrain, forced to pleasure her orally a time or two, but mostly they’d been holding out. At this point, Luke was well past the point of frustration.

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