When I didn’t hear it shut behind me I looked over my shoulder to find Destry with his own hat in his hand, his eyes watching after me. I stepped onto the compressed gravel and slid my sunglasses onto my face, pretending to know exactly what we were supposed to be doing.

The rumble of an engine peaked my interest as Braxton rode out of a huge barn on a blue four-wheeler. The pure power of the engine had my scalp tingling and excitement building. I’d never been allowed to ride one; this hadn’t stopped me though. On a few occasions, I’d snuck off and hired one just so I could get away from the madness of my parents and their rules. A smile crept over my face as I climbed over the short fence and jumped down. Braxton winked at me and pulled the quad up in front of me, giving the engine a rev that had me throwing my head back and laughing.

“We’re takin’ the truck.” Destry’s gravelly voice close to my ear startled me, and I spun around, almost tripping over my own feet. His big hands shot out, grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me against his solid body. I could feel the warmth of his tanned hands through my light cotton tank. Goose bumps broke over my arms as I tried to hold back a shiver of want. His muscled arms had me doing a slow crawl up to his wide shoulders, which promised he was very able to lift a girl up and give it to her anyway she might want it. His grip on me tightened slightly as my nipples hardened under my bra. My breathing became heavier when he licked his full, soft lips, and without my consent, my own tongue darted out to mirror the action. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop the small moan I could feel working its way to the surface. Looking up, his blue eyes sparkled down at me, desire written all over his face, a look that was quickly sending my breathing into dangerous territory.

“Fuck no.” I watched as Amelia rode off with her head thrown back laughing, one arm wrapped far too low around my brother’s waist, the other holding her hat on as the wind flew through her hair. An insane urge to go after them and snatch her off Austin’s bike crashed over me. I took a few steps before it occurred to me that I didn’t care if she was plastered up against my brother. No, I didn’t care one little bit. I did, however, ponder while I jumped on my own quad; I needed to know what it was about her that had me behaving like a petulant asshole. “City girl,” I scoffed as I hit the gas, taking my frustration out on the bike. I forgot about my plan to take my truck, knowing the quad would get me around faster and cool me down.

Even with the breakneck speed I was pulling, I still didn’t catch up with them. Just as I pulled in, I spotted Austin leaning against his bike beside Amelia, smiling down at her with his hand leaning on the seat behind her ass. I turned the bike off, threw my leg over it, which landed on the ground with a thud and took large strides toward a smiling Austin. My jaw ticked as I ground my teeth with each step.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I fumed at him, glaring from under the wide brim of my hat. I clenched my hands by my side trying to calm my shit down. “You could have killed her, you idiot.” Austin pushed off from his bike and took a step toward me. I knew this was a sore point, yet I did it anyway. Austin had more than a few ghosts in his past and our relationship was one where we constantly provoked each other.

“Don’t push me,” Austin growled, his eyes going stone cold and deathly serious.

“Okay, what are we doing out here? Am I supposed to stand around while you two measure your dicks, or are we working?” My eyes bugged out as I turned toward little miss prim and proper. Pushing away from the four-wheeler, her hands placed on her hips, her tits strained against the thin fabric of her white tank. Did she really just say that?

“C’mon, Amelia. I’ll show you how things work while these two zip their pants back up.” Braxton offered her an arm. She hooked her arm around his and they walked off toward the small cluster of cows.

“The fuck is your problem, D?” Austin drew my attention back from watching her walking away from me yet again.

“Nothin’,” I grumbled, rubbing my forehead in frustration.

“Yeah, right. You’ve had a boot up your ass since you first saw her.” Had it been that obvious?

“She annoys me. She’s just a pain in my ass is all.” The loud bark of laughter he let out was enough to tell me he believed jack shit of my explanation. With a slap on my back, he jogged off to start work, leaving me standing there getting more and more agitated by the second. How the hell was I supposed to work with a chick flouncing around my pastures with hardly a scrap of clothing on her tight little body? As it was, I’d had a hard-on from hell since she came into the kitchen that morning.

“Gotta get laid,” I mumbled to myself while I pulled my tools out of the storage compartment. I had a feeling it was going to be a very long day.


“Lunch!” Austin called out, dropping his tools. I pulled my hat off and ripped my cotton shirt over my head, tucking it into the back pocket of my jeans. The sun was beating down hard and hot, making me sweat like a whore in church.

“How you holdin’ up?” I asked Amelia as we walked toward the big, shady oak tree. I was used to the heat working in the sun all day; I doubted she was.

“It’s hotter than Hades out here,” she puffed. I did a double take when I noticed her thin tank was not only drenched in sweat but see-through. I directed my eyes straight ahead and walked a little faster, willing myself not to gawk while mentally planning a night out at the local bar. I needed a cold beer and some company. It’d been too long since I’d had any of that kind of companionship and my dick was reminding me of the fact almost constantly.

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