“You just had to go and ruin my life, didn’t you?” she screeched at me from her pink, puffy princess bed.

“I haven’t ruined your life. I was just pointing out that I don’t love him. I don’t and I should be able to marry whoever I want, shouldn’t I?” My small display of rebellion had come about after my parents and Wesley had sprung an engagement proposal on me.

“If you don’t marry him, I’ll be looked down on for you being a spinster.” She spat the word ‘spinster’ as if it offended her. “You’re getting too old for anyone to want to marry you.” She glared at me through her cold gray eyes.

“I’m not too old. I’m twenty-four. Twenty-four isn’t too old.” I didn’t bother to argue with her on the spinster status affecting her chances of a good pairing since that much was true. If I didn’t marry Wesley and lay claim to his family, word would get around that Highsmith girls were difficult, thus lowering the chances of Nikki marrying well.

“Stop being a bitch and just marry him. He’s rich for crying out loud. You won’t have to work a day in your life and you can live like mother.” Her gaze turned dreamy at the mention of money and Mother’s lifestyle of pretentious debutants, country clubs, and martinis.

“I wish you and I could have some other kind of relationship. You’re my sister for Christ’s sake. We’re supposed to have more than this, ” I verbalized, the wind from my sails deflating when her porcelain face screwed up.

“Relationship? No, what we have is an arrangement and you are nothing but competition. I’ll be polite and put my game face on when people are around, but know that that’s what I see you as. You’re competition to me. Just know that I will win. My marriage will be more plentiful and richer than yours. My husband will spoil me in lavish gifts. I’ll do it bigger and better than you ever could and with more class.”

“Don’t for a second think that you’ll ever have more class than me, Nikki. It’s sad this is the kind of life you want. You’re looking at it through rose-colored glasses. Can’t you see how lonely it would be? You think pretty things and fancy dinners will make up for that? You’re wrong. You’re so very wrong.” With that, I turned and left the wicked witch to her precious castle. My family were horrible people with tiny minds and conniving attitudes. I had hoped I could save Nikki from becoming the one thing I detested by opening her eyes to the realities of our lifestyle. It had been a waste of breath. She’d already been blinded by the glamour of it all. The shiny surface that was hiding a thick sludge she would one day drown in. Me, on the other hand, I always had a defiant streak under the cardigans and pinned up hair. I was a people watcher, and even from a young age, I hadn’t liked what I saw.

I shook my head to clear the memory and focused on Ellie. “Happens to the best of us, lovely.” I put my hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze while I pushed away from the table and stood up. She was such a sweet girl. I hadn’t had much contact with sweet, but damn if she hadn’t wiggled her cute self into my heart a little.

“He likes you. He’s lousy at showing it, but he does,” she told me quietly, making me stop with my hand in the air halfway to the door.

“Maybe,” I mumbled in return. What more could I say to that? He screwed me senseless right where you’re eating breakfast but then he went cold as a dead fish? That probably wouldn’t go down well.

I walked out the back door to find the boys all leaning against the quads waiting for me.

“You survived the wrath of Ellie,” Austin snickered, jumping on to his ATV as I shook my head at him and climbed onto the back of Destry’s quad, gripping onto his shoulders. I wasn’t sure why I had jumped on Destry’s bike in particular until I felt his strong body between my thighs. Oh, yeah. This probably wasn’t the best of ideas. I was so attracted to him that just sitting here was wreaking havoc on my libido.

Braxton and Austin took off ahead of us as Destry kicked the bike to life, the rumble of the engine vibrating under us. He reached up to where my hands sat and pulled them down, wrapping them around his waist.

“Hold on tight, sweetheart,” he rumbled before we shot off into the fields. I was acutely aware of the warmth of his skin coming through the deep blue cotton t-shirt. Every bump we went over bounced me around, my breasts rubbing against his muscled back. He grunted loudly when a large dip in the road had my hands losing their grip and landing solidly in his lap. With a cringe, I quickly righted myself and gripped the sides of his shirt as we flew through the green grass.


“What’s she doin’ up the tree?” Austin’s voice drifted up to where I was climbing onto another slightly smaller limb above me. I was so close, just a few more branches to go. I reached for the next one and lost the grip I had on the rough bark. Grasping for purchase, I tipped backward and before I could right myself, I was tumbling through the air.

“Amelia!” Braxton’s panicked voice penetrated my mind just as I hit the ground with a thud and skidded on my side.

“Shit, Austin, get my pick up. Brax, first aid kit.” Destry’s short bark seeped into my foggy brain, his voice closer than the others were.

I shifted with a groan and moved to sit up; his hand holding me in place stopped even that. “For shit’s sake, don’t move, woman.” I blinked a few times trying to understand what the heck his problem was. He had no reason to be an ass, yet short of growing a tail and pointy ears, he’d suddenly become one.

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