I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel and searched for good music on the radio.  Shit, all three stations I tried were playing shit music and I turned it off in disgust.  I really needed to get my CD player fixed in my car, but it was an old bomb of a car so I was loathe to spend money on it.  And besides, it was money I didn’t really have.

A loud honk caught my attention.  I’d been so engrossed in my search for music that I hadn’t noticed the black ute in front had moved.  My eyes flicked to the driver behind, and I gave him the finger.  Sure I hadn’t moved forward, but hell, it wasn’t like I’d be moving very far.  God, I hated impatient drivers.

I inched my car forward, and then sat idling again waiting for the traffic to move.  My gaze flicked to the clock.  Shit, I really was going to be late if we didn’t start moving faster.  As I was contemplating this, my phone rang, and I reached to check who it was.  I had no intention of answering it while driving, but in this traffic it couldn’t hurt to see who it was.

Fuck, it was my boss.  I dropped it back onto the seat next to me, and commenced panicking.  And then the asshole behind me honked again.  Jesus fucking Christ!  I looked in the rear view mirror at him again.  He was making rude hand gestures at me so I flipped him the bird again, and at the same time, I pressed my foot to the pedal.  I didn’t mean to press it hard but my foot slipped and I jerked forward and hit the ute in front.

Fuck me!

This was so not my fucking day!  I sat still for a moment waiting to see what the driver would do.  When he left his ute and began heading in my direction, my belly began fluttering.  He was built, and damn he was sexy.  I couldn’t make out his face due to the glare from the afternoon sun, but the rest of him had me drooling.  But he was pissed off; his body language screamed that at me.  When he got to my door, I finally managed a good look at him, and my belly did more than flutter; the sensations in it began ricocheting through me, causing me to feel things I did not want to be feeling in this moment.


Tall, olive skin, unruly dark hair, inked muscles to die for.  It was the guy I’d slept with a couple of weeks ago.  The guy who’d fulfilled his promise and brought heaven to my fucking door.

“What the fuck?” were the first words out of his mouth.  Then he squinted his eyes, and dropped his face down to look at me through the window.  “Carla?”

Had to give him points for remembering my name.  “Yeah.  Ah, sorry about that,” I offered an apology he wasn’t likely to accept, going by his pissed off state.

He held onto his angry glare.  “How the hell does someone have a fuckin’ car accident in this kind of traffic?”

I scrambled to offer an explanation.  “It was the guy behind me’s fault.  He was honking at me and giving me the finger.”

He shook his head once, in a ‘I can’t fucking believe what I’m hearing’ gesture.  “So it was his fault that your foot hit the accelerator?”

I didn’t like the tone he was taking with me.  Sure, I was at fault here, but there was no need for his attitude.  I tried to open the door but he was blocking it.  I eyed him.  “Can you move so I can open the door?”

“What the fuck for?”  He continued to lean against the door, eyeing me through the window.  And I hadn’t failed to notice his gaze roaming over my chest.

“Because I want to get out to talk to you.”

The driver behind honked again, multiple times.  Havoc scowled before straightening and glaring at the driver.  I took the opportunity to open the door and get out.  Another honk came from behind and Havoc stalked to the other car.  I watched as he had words with the driver; angry words by the look of it.  And then I watched as he stalked back to me.  He was wearing jeans that hugged his legs, and a grey t-shirt that almost hugged his chest.  I couldn’t help but stare.  I knew that body, and I knew what it was capable of giving me.

Shit, get yourself together, Carla.  The last thing I needed was to be wanting this man again.  We’d had our night together, and that’s all it would ever be.  I didn’t have a biker in my life plan.  No, my plan involved stability; not a man who raised his middle finger at society.

“Get back in your car, Carla.  We’re done here, but you need to be more careful,” he muttered, treating me like a fucking child.

“We’re not finished here, Havoc.  We need to swap details for the insurance.”  I stood my ground, not letting his dismissive attitude scare me off.

“No need, I won’t be claiming it.”

I raised my eyebrows at him.  I actually had no idea how insurance companies worked because I’d never had an accident, but his attitude made me pursue this.  No fucking way was I giving in now.  He was treating me like the little woman and I wasn’t having a bar of it.  “Well I might be, so give me your details anyway,” I said.

His gaze flicked to my car; my old as fuck bomb of a car.  When he shifted his gaze back to me, and spoke, he failed to hide his amusement.  “Seriously?  You’ve got insurance on this?”

I placed my hands on my hips.  “Yes, I do.  Now give me your goddamn details,” I snapped.

It was his turn to raise his brows at me, and then he slowly nodded.  “You got a pen?  Paper?”

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