A moment later, she heard a car door slam. Tyler was back in record time. She breezed past Luc, headed for the restaurant’s front door.

He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close. “Where are you going?”

She jerked free and lunged for the door. Luc didn’t want her . . . but he didn’t want anyone else to have her. Alyssa refused to play that game. Hopefully, dishing back some of his own medicine would put some distance between them.

Smiling tightly, she quipped, “Maybe it is time I let someone else scratch me.”

THE mock dinner service was winding to a merciful end. The evening had been flawless. The muggy afternoon had given way to a cooler evening, and Alyssa had thrown open the doors to the patio, bringing the outside in. The food had been impeccable, the help she’d hired perfect. Not a hint of an undercooked steak or overcooked vegetables. The waitstaff had been deferential and efficient. Patrons all around smiled—and Bonheur had secured lots of future reservations.

Professionally, Luc couldn’t be happier.

Personally, swallowing nails would be less painful than forcing down the fury inside him.

He stood just outside the kitchen, loitering in the hall, looking for a certain gorgeous blonde . . . There. She drifted from one table to the next in a graceful sway, her elegant black dress tastefully draping her gorgeous body. She’d swept up her hair in something classic and feminine. Understated diamonds winked at her ears and her wrist. Sophisticated, refined. A perfect match for her atmosphere.

And she still gave him a raging erection.

Smiling graciously, Alyssa paused at the next table, visited with guests, accepted a hug from a couple. Their toddler fisted her hands into the long sway of Alyssa’s hair, and she smiled, kissing the little girl’s forehead.

The sight of her affectionate gesture jolted Luc. He swallowed down a sensation he could term only pure longing. God, what an impossible wish. Just because Alyssa liked that child didn’t mean she wanted any of her own. Or would be the sort of dedicated mother his own had been. Besides, even if she ended up having a huge maternal streak, she wasn’t what he needed, and the road to parenthood with him wouldn’t be easy.

Besides, Tyler was scratching her itch now. And Luc was alone—trying not to feel the confusion and pain crushing his guts.

A moment later, Alyssa drifted outside, under the external lighting, pausing to greet an older couple. Not five feet from her, Tyler watched her unblinkingly.

What had they spent the afternoon doing? If it was what Luc feared, that was his fault. Had he pushed her away with his accusations and behavior? Why the hell hadn’t they just enjoyed their time together and had a week of uncomplicated sex?

Because nothing between them was uncomplicated. He couldn’t touch Alyssa and feel nothing.

That scared the shit out of him.

Someone waving caught his attention, and he looked up to see Kimber standing with a hesitant smile and an upraised hand.


Resentment jabbed him. Deke was living the life Luc wanted with a wonderful wife who would never refuse him her body or tell him that she had someone else to scratch her itch. She understood Deke’s hang-ups and been patient until he learned to overcome them. Alyssa . . . What would she think if she knew he could not father children? Would she shrug—or think him less of a man?

With a sigh, Luc made his way over to Kimber and his cousin.

Deke stood and held out a hand. “Good work. Food was incredible. You always cooked fine meals when you lived with me, but you outdid yourself on this.”

“Super delicious,” Kimber added with a dimpled smile.

Luc shook Deke’s hand, then slipped an arm around Kimber. “Thank you. And congratulations.”

He forced himself to look at Kimber and mean the words. He was happy for her. For Deke. Somehow, someway, he’d find this ideal future for himself, and maybe he could get over the choking envy.

“Thanks,” she murmured. “We’re thrilled.”

“As you should be.”

Deke beamed with joy.

“I’ll do my best to be a very committed uncle and spoil the tyke like mad.”

Kimber smiled and hugged Luc close. “You’re such a wonderful person, I have no doubt you’ll succeed.”

“Are you done cooking?” Deke asked.

Luc nodded. “The last ticket went out about ten minutes ago.”

“Good. Sit. We’ve got hardware to discuss.”

“On that note, I’ll run to the ladies’ room. I already spent three hours looking at the equipment on the trip over. Nice stuff. I hope Alyssa will be okay.”

Without thought, Luc’s gaze sought the woman in question. She was winding her way across the patio, the night breeze stirring the pale tendrils at her neck. Making him ache for her.

But he had to get his mind back on the present.

As if their sex life wasn’t fucked-up enough, Alyssa had some prick threatening her. In that respect, Luc was glad Tyler was doing his job so diligently, even if he didn’t like that the other man watched her as if she were dinner and dessert all in one.

Deke looked at him, then Alyssa. He brought his gaze back. “What’s up with you two?”

Luc started to evade the question. But he stopped. Avoiding this . . . thing between him and Alyssa wasn’t making it go away. And it needed to; he knew that. Why couldn’t he work it out?

“I don’t know. She’s . . .” He rubbed his forehead, searching for the right words. “Under my skin.”

“That guy her bodyguard?” Deke nodded at Tyler.

“Of sorts, yes.”

Deke raised his brows. “He looks like he’d like to do more to her body than guard it.”

“I’m pretty sure Tyler already does.” Why else would she allow him to kiss her? Have a house key? See her naked? Touch her in public?

Leaning in, Deke stared at Luc long and hard. He swallowed, certain his cousin could see right through him.

“Unless I miss my guess, you’ve had an encore performance with Alyssa recently.”

That obvious? “So?”

“So you don’t care if she fucks him, too?”

Luc fisted his hands in the tablecloth. He knew it was telling, but hell, Deke saw through him anyway. “It infuriates the hell out of me. I’ve had moments lately where I wanted to break every bone in his miserable body.”

“She’s more than a fuck to you?” Deke sounded surprised.

As much as Luc wanted to avoid answering the question, he couldn’t. In fact, he’d been asking himself the same thing.

“I don’t understand it. She’s everything I don’t need. Shady profession, total lack of modesty, so damn independent. Probably multiple lovers,” he snarled. “I can’t see her being happy with a rock on her hand, kids in tow, living in suburbia.”

“But you don’t know that for a fact?”

“No,” he admitted.

“Let me ask you something. Were you ever jealous watching me in bed with Kimber?”

Luc paused. But the answer was easy. “No. Though you two had a bond, for a long time I felt completely involved in the relationship.”

“I couldn’t stand watching you touch her,” Deke admitted. “Every time you did, I thought it was going to fucking kill me. How is that different from how you feel about Alyssa being with Tyler?”

“I knew you weren’t going to hurt Kimber,” Luc hedged.

But did he really believe that Tyler would hurt Alyssa when he was trying so hard to guard her?

“Okay, forget this guy. What about Jack Cole? If Morgan was out of the picture, would you share Alyssa with Jack? He’s a stand-up guy, and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be the first time he’d had sex with her. Sure, it’s been a few years—”

“Shut the fuck up,” Luc growled.

The image of Jack Cole unleashing his chains and cuffs and commands on Alyssa was like running his guts through a meat grinder.

Truth was, he didn’t want anyone else touching her.

“Okay.” Deke held up his hands. “But take my word for it. When you’ve got feelings for a woman, jealousy comes with the territory.” He stood as his wife approached. “Especially when the woman is beautiful. Everything okay?”

“Great.” Then she frowned at Luc. “You all right?”

No. Leave it to Deke to throw the fact he felt more than lust for Alyssa in his face. What the hell was he supposed to do about it?

“Fine.” He did his best to sound sincere . . . and knew he fell short of the mark.

“I have my next doctor appointment in a few weeks, and Deke will be out of town. Can you take me?” Kimber asked. “How much longer will you be here?”

A pity invitation, and he was desperate enough to grab it. Any small involvement with Deke and Kimber’s baby was likely more than he’d ever have for himself, especially if he kept ignoring Emily and chasing Alyssa like a schmuck.

Bless Kimber for caring how he felt. He brought her close for a long hug. “I’d love to. I’m only here until Thursday.”

“Oh, just a few days, then.” She smiled. “That’s great!”

Deke clapped him on the back and sent him a meaningful stare. “Make the most of them.”

JUST after midnight, Alyssa shut the doors to Bonheur. A weight lifted from her shoulders. The evening had been a huge success, and everyone who’d come tonight said the food and service were spectacular. All wanted to come back, and she finally believed she had a future comprised of more than taking off her clothes for strangers. The evening really couldn’t have gone better.

Except watching Luc with Deke and Kimber.

To say that the sexy chef still had feelings for his cousin’s beautiful wife would be stating the obvious. He’d hugged her, looked into her eyes. The moment hadn’t seemed sexual, but they were in public. And Deke supposedly didn’t share anymore. Still, the embrace had unnerved Alyssa. Was the other woman the reason Luc couldn’t give more of himself to her?

“You ready to go?” Tyler asked, hovering near her as he had all night.

“I’ll take her home,” Luc said, appearing behind her.

“It’s my job.” Tyler crossed his arms and donned his badass mien as tightly as he would leather pants.

Luc ignored him. Instead, he turned to her, face solemn. “I’d like to take you home. We should talk.” She hesitated, and he pressed. “Please.”

What did he want? If she went, she risked further heartbreak. But if she refused him, she’d never know. What if he wanted to renew their earlier argument? Or just have sex again. She winced.

“All right.” She avoided looking at Tyler. “I packed up your things. They’re in my foyer. Homer is expecting you.”

At that, Tyler smiled. She also read the hurt on Luc’s face. For her sanity, she had to sideline him to Homer’s, but she should have done it when they were alone.

“Fine,” he bit out.

Telling her that it wasn’t fine at all.

“You sure you want to ride with him?” Tyler asked, clearly looking for any reason to get one up on Luc. “I can follow you, make sure he doesn’t give you any issues.”

She leveled him with a no-nonsense stare. “He’s a chef, not a serial rapist. I’ll be all right. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Scowling, Tyler drifted closer, reaching for her. Luc was faster and closer, wrapping his arm around her waist. She ignored Tyler’s not-so-silent curse.

Outside, she locked the restaurant’s door and let Luc lead her to his SUV. His touch lingered at her waist, and she tried not to notice her quivering knees.

Once they were on the road and the beautiful night air sifted through her hair, she turned to Luc. “Spill it. What did you want to talk about?”


Alyssa had this niggling suspicion that Luc was going to try to talk his way back in her bed. And where he was concerned, she was so, so weak. Though she should give him brownie points for facing the conversation head-on, she really didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t lead to her admitting she had deep feelings for him and them undressed and entwined.

“I’m exhausted, and it’s late,” she begged off. “Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

“It shouldn’t take me more than a few minutes to apologize.”

She whipped her gaze around to him—and didn’t say a word.

He swallowed, his long, dark hair whipping around in the night wind. He looked gorgeous, so capable and sensitive. She fell for him a bit more.

“Don’t look shocked, please. I’ve had a few hours to think about what happened earlier. I was wrong to jump down your throat about your leaving this morning to be with Tyler. It’s none of my business. You have a lot on your mind, and he works for you . . .” Luc shrugged. “I won’t lie and say I like the way he looks at you. I have no doubt his thoughts are totally unprofessional. I also won’t lie and say the thought of you with him doesn’t make me crazy.” Luc gripped the steering wheel tighter. “But that’s between the two of you, and I have no right to interfere.”

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