"Thank you, Andre."

Dread was heavy in Gabriel's stomach. Andre read her mind. It was clear Gabriel's instincts about his inability to trust her were right, and Gabriel had no idea how to interpret Andre's warning.

Gabriel. It was Deidre summoning him.

"Speak of the devil. I've gotta go," Gabriel said, standing.


A moment passed before he appeared. He was like a massive shadow among the sunny forest, dressed all in black and armed as if for battle, even when coming to see her. His dark eyes went from her to Cora, and he lifted his chin in silent command to dismiss the death dealer.

Deidre had never seen him like this, as a quietly commanding figure, capable of lethal force one moment and gentle kisses the next. With his chiseled features and muscular frame, he was without a doubt the sexiest man she'd ever seen. How had she never noticed his subtle power before?

He was waiting.

"I, uh …" She felt herself caught in his gaze. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted to see you."


She sighed. There was an edge to him, subtle but present. One that told her Andre was right about him not trusting her. Why did she want to cry again? What emotions were distressing her this time?

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes," she murmured. "I shouldn't have disturbed you."

"You're not," he said. "You like the forest?"

"I love it," she said honestly, smiling as she gazed around. "The colors, the smells. It's incredible." Her gaze lingered on a small bunch of colorful flowers hugging the base of a tree. "It's good not to be dead."

"If you say so." He was studying her.

"Do you like the forest?" she asked, suddenly nervous under his scrutiny.

"If you do, I do."

Her face felt warm. She met his gaze. He offered his hand. Deidre stepped forward to take it, and they began walking down the path. She was lost for a moment in the sensations of his warm hand clasping hers. The trail was narrow enough that she found herself running into his frame or leaning against him. His scent and heat, the warmth of his magic, the heady sensations of being so close to him …

She concentrated on placing her feet and not on his body.

"Andre said your tumor is gone," Gabriel said.

"Yes," she answered.

He lifted his arm to guide her ahead of him as the path narrowed. His other hand went to her back. Deidre's insides were shaking already from the touches. When he pulled her to a stop, she held her breath. His thick body was at her back, and he shifted close enough to remain in contact while his large hands settled on her arms.

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