Deidre gasped, understanding now how Darkyn planned on ensuring his mate didn't go anywhere, even after she won their deal.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "He blood-bound you! That crafty son of a bitch!"

"In case I win our deal." Darkyn's mate flushed and cleared her throat. "Sorry. Seems kinda tacky to bring it up."

"No." Deidre shook her head. "I knew he'd figure out something. Never guessed that. He's not someone who bows to others, and a blood-bond is pretty serious, considering you were already mates. I can't imagine the impact of both on him when one is more than enough."

The puzzled curiosity on the features of Darkyn's mate made Deidre wonder if the girl fully understood what had happened. The idea Darkyn voluntarily took a bond to a human when he made a name for himself disobeying his former master …

There might be a reason Darkyn hadn't explained it to his mate.

Deidre stared with renewed interest at the woman she created. There were no signs of violence on the mate of the Dark One. In fact, she glowed with health, even if she seemed shy or nervous.

"That explains the fangs. So jealous," Deidre added. "Sexy."

Darkyn's mate blushed again and ducked her gaze. "Anyway," she mumbled. "I'm glad you told Gabriel the truth. We talked after you told him."

"He came to see you." A streak of jealousy and misery went through Deidre. She knew it was wrong. After condemning the human to Darkyn, how did she deserve to feel this way? "I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

"He's always loved you, Deidre. That hasn't changed."

"I don't believe it's possible. I've been afraid of losing him my whole life."

The gaze of Darkyn's mate was on the ground. She hugged herself, visibly upset. Deidre didn't know what to say to comfort her. She was barely holding her own tears.

"I don't know how to help," Darkyn's mate whispered. "The bond between mates is strong. Gabriel is honorable. He will do what's right."

"I want to do what's right, too, but don't even know what that is."

"Darkyn's approach to the mating bond was much different than Gabriel's. Gabriel gave me space and a choice. Darkyn … no way in hell. Relentless." The Dark One's mate took on a husky note that made her flush. "Anyway I mean, if you confront something instead of letting it fester, it might be easier to deal with. Instead of waiting for Gabe to come around, why don't you go to him? Try to make things right."

"I've been trying to think of how to do that."

"Remind him why he fell in love with you. He loves … your spontaneity, your sense of humor." Darkyn's mate tapped one of her fangs absently. "He loves …you and always has. He's always loved the side of you that laughs. The part of you that makes him forget how grey his world is." Copyright 2016 - 2024