
Carl Wells, CEO

Developer’s Muse

Whoa. They were asking her to develop a video game from the ground up, character creation to rollout? “This is what I wanted.”

Exactly what she’d craved when she’d interviewed with ActionNet. Endless creative options, a chance to push her programming limits, and full control over content. Could it get any better?

Out of curiosity, she looked up the company’s website, read their mission statement, and tried to contain a squeal of excitement. A reckless instinct urged her fingers to the keyboard to type an enthusiastic response. She hit send before thinking twice. She still had time to discover whether she and Trey were meant to be together, but the job interest from Developer’s Muse was too amazing to pass up, the chance to have it all in her career.

Then she realized she’d replied to the CEO directly, not the human resources woman. Annoyed with herself, she retyped her letter of interest. Before she finished her second email, she received a response from the CEO.

We’re pleased you are interested. I’ll have my assistant make arrangements for me to fly out for an interview next week. We are eager to have you on board, and we’d like you to start immediately. Best regards, Carl.

She leaped out of her chair and did a happy dance. “The opportunity of a lifetime,” she said aloud.

Then a twinge of guilt pricked her conscience. She’d planned to delay her move to ActionNet for another month and devote her efforts to improving her team’s knowledge. She couldn’t leave without fulfilling her promise, but…could she start a new contract with Developer’s Muse part-time while she completed her daytime obligation to Soren Security and continued her nighttime adventures with Trey?

The more she considered her options as a contractor, versus a hired onsite employee, her future shone brighter than ever.


Sunlight reflected off the pool’s warm water as it lapped Devon’s waist. She’d arrived with Trey at Logan’s birthday party two hours ago and had made the social rounds. She’d enjoyed seeing familiar faces from Stone Security. Then Logan came up with the brilliant idea of pitting Soren Security’s directors’ team against Stone Security’s top brass in a pool volleyball game. She and Mindy, Trey’s PR girl, were the only women in the pool.

“Go girl power,” Mindy said, and water sluiced down their arms as she met Mindy’s high five.

“That’s hot,” Liam said with a grin. “Nothing better than the element of distraction.”

Trey threw him a murderous glare. “Watch it.”

“Damn, dude. Why so touchy? I’m admiring,” Liam replied. “It’s a compliment.”

“Keep your compliments to yourself.” The two engaged in a brief, playful water brawl, while Allison and family friend Rick Dunn unfurled the volleyball net, securing it in place.

Unable to help herself, Devon scanned the two teams, doing a little admiring of her own. Of course, Trey was the hottest man there, but bare chests, broad shoulders, and gleaming muscles abounded.

The Soren’s team of buff male bodies included Isaac Atlas—who she’d noticed admiring Mindy on more than one occasion—Blaze Taylor from finance and Ryder Worth from the HR team, and naturally the handsome Soren clan. An intriguing contrast to Logan’s team, which included Logan plus eight of his seasoned and crew cut ex-military types. Her team was younger and more laid back, rough around the edges, with a day’s worth of unshaven jaws and longer hair than she knew Logan would’ve liked.

An impressive sight to behold, there was eye candy galore. The female guests were outnumbered three to one, and the single ladies had to be appreciating the view.

Suddenly, she realized she didn’t consider herself single anymore. A smile glowed in her heart as her eyes rested on Trey’s muscular, towering form in swim trunks.

When Logan whistled, Trey and Liam called a draw on their wrestling match. Trey’s glance moved to her, and a sizzling look settled in the depths. Appreciation spread through her as she realized she’d happily give up her single girl independence to wake up to that look and his fine body every morning. His lips quirked as if he’d read her mind. He mouthed the word, “Later,” followed by a possessive sweep over her bikini. She responded by arching an eyebrow over a come-and-get-it glance. She swore a low groan echoed across the pool.

Then she turned to face the net as Logan rattled off a list of rules, including, “The first team to twenty one, wins.”

“Wins what?” Liam asked.

Logan leveled a look across the volleyball net. “Bragging rights. For all eternity.”

The Soren team responded with whoops and chest pounding. She rolled her eyes. Hopefully, she and Mindy wouldn’t get lost in this overwhelming sea of testosterone.

“Guest team serves first,” Logan stated, tossing the volleyball at Trey, who was ready for action in the far left corner of the pool. He made a killer serve that put the smack down on Team Stone.

From the poolside, Allison grinned and counted the score. “One point for Team Soren.”

Team Stone grumbled and skewered their opponents with icy hard-eyed looks.

“Yeah? Bring it.” Devon moved back one line as her team shifted stations. Trey swam to the front near the net, and, when he surfaced, she stole a moment of opportunity to admire his six pack abs.

Then she and Mindy worked a nice volley between them before her forearms pumped the ball in Cade’s direction. He slammed it into the water, and she cheered for her rockin’ team.

Team Stone gained four points on them, but Team Soren soon regained the lead at fifteen points. Then twenty. Her competitive streak seemed to match that of her teammates. She loved the lightning-strike intensity the Soren men poured into everything they did, whether they were running a business or playing pool volleyball.

Pride filled her and so did a sense of belonging. She realized how much she wanted to be a part of the Soren team. Personally and professionally. These were her guys, and she wanted to remain their colleague and friend, and with Trey she wanted so much more. She wanted to be part of his family.

As the life-changing thought crossed her mind, she glanced at him.

Just in time to see little Sammy streaking toward the pool. Trey’s expression changed when he looked to his right. They both abandoned their posts, diving toward Sammy at the same time, catching the boy’s pudgy arms as he hit the water. Never mind that he wore a floatation ring around his middle and his arms were packed in puffy orange floaters. The kid almost gave her a heart attack. Copyright 2016 - 2024