The band finished the last song of their set, and he glanced at her with anticipation glinting in his eyes. “Want to head back to my place and see Peanut?”

She leaped to her feet. “Yes!”

He chuckled. “I figured.”

They packed up their picnic, left the park, and drove in the direction of his house. Her usual concerns about going to a guy’s place and spending the night rattled around in her brain. She’d made a long-standing habit of bringing lovers to her house. That way she’d never know too much about their lives or the intimate details of their surroundings. That made her temporary romances easier to discard. In her own home, she felt confident and in control. She could kick the guy out whenever she wanted.

Going home with Trey flew in the face of her usual self-preservation. But this was Trey, and she trusted him. She wanted to see his home and all the nuances and aspects of him, the things that surrounded him, that meant something to him. In a way, she wanted to become a part of him. She wanted to be a piece that fit into the secure puzzle of his life. Even if that made her insecure, off-kilter, and not in control.

“I adore you,” she said, leaning across the car’s arm rest to kiss his cheek.

Smiling, he gave a quiet nod. “Same.”

The three-quarter moon shone brightly, erasing the stars within the wide circumference of its glow. The ethereal effect cast the woods, fields and houses they passed in a muted blue-gray hush with random pops of glitter.

Trey downshifted and slowed his car, taking a left into a gravel driveway.

When they’d briefly discussed his architecture plans in passing, she’d pictured a squat little ranch in need of massive updates. The layout that sprawled before her dwarfed her two story townhouse by at least a thousand square feet.

Lifting up on the leather seat, she glimpsed through a monstrous window straight from the front of the home to the back, where the Denver skyline twinkled in the distant valley. Considering the massive scale of the addition he’d described, the house would top out at five or six thousand square feet.

The man didn’t dream small. She grinned, picturing the barn with stables he’d envisioned in the sprawling field to the left of the house. The right portion of the property harbored dense woods as far as she could see, with no glimmer of a neighbor’s lights in view. He’d chosen well, she thought, thoroughly amazed by her first impression of the estate. Once he placed his personal signature on the expanse, it would certainly be considered an estate.

“I’m sure Peanut will be thrilled you’re here,” he said, leading her to his front porch where he’d left the lights on in their antique carriage house sconces.

She looked forward to seeing her baby, running her fingers through his soft fur. Trey unlocked and opened his front door. She heard the sweet scrape of Peanut’s claws as he scampered across the tile toward her.

“Peanut!” She lowered to her knees and hugged his furry little body. He licked her face and yipped with enthusiasm.

When Trey closed the door, Peanut wriggled in her grasp then abandoned her to greet his new best friend. Trey bent and patted Peanut’s head. “Hey, big guy. I brought your mama to see you.”

Peanut pawed Trey’s shins, wanting more affection. Totally ignoring her. Feeling replaced, she shot Trey a dirty look. “I guess you two have gotten along just fine without me.”

He scratched behind Peanut’s ears and shrugged. “I fed him every night and we watched TV reruns of Walker Texas Ranger. I guess he goes for kibbles and cowboys.”

“Humph.” She crossed her arms and stood. She eyed Peanut who practically had a conniption trying to get Trey’s attention. “You little traitor,” she muttered.

“Peanut’s still your baby,” Trey assured. “I’m just the new alpha male in the pack. Once he gets used to me being around you, and we’re together in this house, he’ll be all yours again.”

Her spine snapped straight. He’d made a rather bold string of assumptions without batting an eye.

To her surprise, instead of getting defensive, she relaxed. This definitely didn’t bode well for her heart. Even more surprising, that didn’t bother her or send her running for cover behind her prickly defenses. He’d gotten to her.  And she wasn’t getting away. A thrill chased through her.

“Do I get the tour?” she asked, glancing at the shadowy surroundings.

“Later.” He pulled her into his arms. The stiffness in his pants pressed against her hip like a hot brand. “Right now, you’re mine. I want you naked in my bed.” His mouth claimed hers and he lifted her off her feet, carrying her to his bedroom.

The room’s scent reminded her of the lavender and thyme incense from the yoga studio, with an added earthy undertone that made her think of rain dripping from leaves in a forest. He took her to the mattress, his hands clutching her against him as if he couldn’t bring her close enough.

“I want you,” she whispered.

Lowering her onto his mattress, he spread her on moss-green silk sheets then scraped his polo shirt from his back up over his head. His gorgeous torso glistened in the moonlight slanting in silver shafts through the skylights above. He came over her then, stripping her clothes as he kissed each body part he revealed. Taking hold of her waist, he lifted her with ease, positioning her where he wanted her. As if he’d pictured this moment a hundred times. She felt so desired, so treasured in this moment.

The infatuation was mutual. She scraped her nails across his shoulders, urging him closer. He kissed her deeply, as though trying to draw forth the part of her soul she’d never shown anyone. His breath came in hot bursts against her lips. She unfastened his pants while he slid two fingers into her channel. His thumb circled her clit and she shuddered with a sigh of pleasure.

“Please. I need you inside me.”

Kicking off his pants and boxers, he slid inside her and hugged her tight against his body. She sighed as their hands clasped together. All thoughts drifted into the heated atmosphere surrounding them.

Tonight, his lovemaking intensified. He lifted her easily from her back to her stomach, and continued his deep, insatiable drives. Then he moved them off the bed to take her against the wall. His mouth never left hers.

Her shoulder blades were slightly chafed when he decided to take her back to his bed. He fit perfectly between her thighs, in every position, and she couldn’t get enough of him. “God, you’re amazing,” she breathed. Copyright 2016 - 2024