As soon as I saw Candice and Maddie walk into the café, I closed my journal and put it away in my bag. Kash had surprised me with Candice almost a week after Trent had gone into witness protection, and it couldn’t have been more perfectly timed. She’d been able to help plan the wedding, and when she wasn’t with Mason, we were spending almost all our time together.

I was glad Maddie and Candice were getting along now. There was a little over a week left until the wedding, and it had been tense between Candice and Maddie when they first met. Maddie wasn’t exactly thrilled that Candice was one of her brother’s f**k buddies. Who could blame her, though?

“Hey, Rach!” Candice bounced her way over to me and hugged me hard. “Guessing you’ve been here a while, since you were writing when we walked in?”

I nodded and hugged Maddie after Candice handed me off. “Just an hour or two . . . or four.”

“Mason said you’ve been writing a lot more since you came back.”

“Wait”—I shot Candice a confused look—“how would Mason know that I’ve been writ— Oh . . .”

“Kash,” we all said together and shrugged.

“It was worse at first, I’d gotten so used to having nothing really to do all day except write, so it was hard to get off that. But I’m getting back to a point where it’s normal. Well, uh, for me anyway. I just had a lot to say today.”

Maddie raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest as Candice’s green eyes widened. “Oh really? Do tell!”

I laughed and sat back down in my chair. “Nothing to tell, just all the wedding stuff with it being a week away. I figured with your parents, Eli, and his fiancée, Paisley, coming in a couple days, I wouldn’t have a lot of time to write then. So I’m getting it out now.”

Candice frowned. “Well, that was boring.”

Maddie laughed out loud before covering her mouth and looking around. “Uh . . . I’m gonna go get some coffee. Want anything?”

“I’m coming with,” Candice said as she picked up her purse, which she’d dropped on the chair earlier. “Rach?”

“No, I’m good.” When Candice eyed me curiously, I lifted an arm out to the side before letting it flop back onto my lap. “What? I already had something earlier. I’m good. I won’t sleep if I have anything else.”

“Whatevs.” She turned, and the ever-present bounce in her step was even more prominent than usual as she made her way to where Maddie was in line.

I wanted to tell her she didn’t need any more caffeine or she’d turn into a squirrel on speed, but that would probably just make her get an extra shot of espresso in her drink. So I kept my mouth shut.

“You okay, Rachel?” Maddie asked when they sat down at the table again. “You look like something’s bothering you.”

“No, I’m fine.”

Candice snorted and crossed her legs as she took a sip of her drink. “Fine. Good. Keep using those words, Rachie, see if I start believing you.”

“But I really am!” I said on a laugh. “I’m having a great morning, I’m excited to see everyone, I’m ready for this week to be over so I can get married. I really am fine.”

She studied me for a few moments before pointing at me with her coffee cup. “Are you and Kash okay? Are you having sex regularly?”

Maddie made a gagging noise and my lips twitched as I fought back a smile.

“Yeah, we’re fi—”

“Don’t say that word!” Candice nearly shrieked in the café.

The three of us looked around at the people giving us odd looks, and I nodded awkwardly at the old woman closest to us, who no doubt had heard Candice’s questions.

“Okay, Candice, we’re incredible. Is that better?”

She didn’t reply to my question before asking her next one. “And the sex?”

“Oh God,” Maddie said, and made another gagging sound.

“Uh, Candice, that’s so not your business . . . but I know you love sharing yours. So how are you and Mason doing in bed?”

“Shit.” Maddie didn’t need to fake the gag that time. She looked like she was about to throw up what little she’d already drank. “Can we stop talking about them? Just . . . gross.”

“She’s being weird,” Candice hissed to Maddie.

“Yeah, caught that. Don’t need to talk about my brother and Kash right in front of me, though. Jesus, let’s just get to what we were going to talk to her about.”

I raised an eyebrow and waited.

“Oh, yeah!” Candice set down her cup and did her little happy clap. “Totally forgot. Rachel, which one of us do you love more?”

“Uh . . .”

“That’s not fair, you’ve known her longer.”

Candice looked at Maddie with an expectant expression. “Exactly.”

“What is this about?” I asked.

“We’ve been fighting over who gets to babysit Trip while you and Kash are on your honeymoon,” Maddie responded. “I think I should get to, since I’m the one who led you to him. Technically I led Kash, and then you. But, you know.”

“And I think I should get to, since I don’t actually live here and won’t be able to see him whenever I want, once I go back to California. Well, and because I’ve known you forever.” Candice sat back in her chair and crossed her arms like she knew she’d won. Copyright 2016 - 2024