The Roland family consisted of a family of eight. Mr. Jeffery Roland a fourty year old well known trainer and his thirtyeight year old veterinarian wlfe Jill stationed her office out of their home at the race track. They were blessed with six children the oldest James now twenty decided to take architectural courses at the community college close to home to help take care of the race track grounds and the horses. He wanted to build new and safer racecourses here in America and overseas. The next to the oldest Jason a senior in high school was excellant with horses. He told everyone whom he talked to that he could understand horse talk. Most people laughed and then would tell him that he should because he was the other end of the horse. He preferred the company of the horses more than some of their owners He diffenately was a hands on person when it came to horses..

Jandi one of the twin sisters aged sixteen loved riding the horses but knew she couldn't ride the throughbreds so she would saddle a quarter horse and lead the throughbreds around the track . Jackie the other twin really wasn't interested in tending to the horses as much as taking pictures of the horses. Some of her pictures were enlarged by using the negatives and framed and hung them on the walls of the clubhouse and the walls of the betting cage. Copyright 2016 - 2025