Fred considered the question. "Not that I know. Some hacker might be able to, or the FBI maybe."

"Why don't you just e-mail him and ask him?" Cynthia said, simplicity being one of her many virtues. Then she added, "If it was any of your business. Personally, it wouldn't surprise me if metalman29 is one Dawkins trying to con the other! The e-mail name may look like some crafty gold speculator, but these anonymous offers with no money changing hands sound fictional to me."

Dean laughed at first at his wife's suggestion, but the more he thought about it, the more the idea had a ring of validity to it. Both Dawkins brothers were being offered excessive prices for the Lucky Pup land, from some supposedly unknown and secret purchaser. What better way to kick up the ante for the land from the brother. . .unless the brother was doing the same thing to you! It would serve them both right, Dean thought.

Paul Dawkins was only a smidgen more pleasant than his elder brother as Dean, lugging the heavy monitor, passed him entering the parlor. There he sullenly joined his wife Paulette, who was stuffing her face with the excess baked goods now available by virtue of Pumpkin Green's nocturnal departure. Paul was number three in the computer line, behind Brandon Westlake, and brother Joseph. He rose and began pacing the room as Dean stopped by and proceeded to bend Dean's ear how this was the day he and Paulette were to receive a firm offer on the Lucky Pup property. Joseph had grumbled something along the same lines to Fred earlier. It seemed "metalman29" was working overtime.

Even usually pleasant Brandon Westlake had a burr up his bottom. He paced the Bird Song nest, glancing at his watch every thirty seconds and grumbling about time being money on his Internet auctions. Dean's suggestion about a public Internet connection a block away on Main Street was met with a dumb stare. Fred's freebie hookup was the only show in town, in the mind of the rich old cheapskate.

While Cynthia didn't explain her decision to fit God and church into their busy Sunday morning schedule, once again she dressed for church and Dean dutifully followed suit. Dean sensed his wife looked forward to the service and it helped her to come to terms with her son's sudden marriage. The telephone lines between New Jersey and Colorado continued to burn about the confirmed August wedding date. The date conflicted with the Election Day for sheriff but Cynthia repeated her promise to vote absentee.

While Pumpkin Green was not at this week's mass, or probably any other service within miles of Ouray, Billy Langstrom's partner in love Melissa attended. Dean noticed her frail form near the front, seated alone. Fred had told him the young girl lived between divorced parents, always at odds with one or the other. She seemed to be crying. He wanted to ask her about the bones but knew any such discussion would be the height of tastelessness for a long time to come. Copyright 2016 - 2025