A golden light appeared on holy ground, the angelic hierarchy the positive force in balance with the darkness. Four angels controlling the spirits of demons… Gabriel, the Chief of angels, who spared Dantalion and watched over him as a brother, Raphael, God's healer, Michael, closest to the seat of God, and Uriel, the flame of God, angel of divine magick and alchemy, all joined together to oversee the fate of the fallen, Samael. Cast out from the third heaven, the Angel of Death eyed Gwynnedd for her beauty. He too was once beautiful…now a fallen seducer, promising her eternal beauty. Their love grew deeper, and with it, the attention of Satan. He too made promises, and with those promises, jealousy emerged.

"I can maketh you immortal… forever beautiful for all eternity.. much more than he can offer. The fires that burn within my Southern Realm burn for you alone," Satan coerced Gwynnedd.

"It is not thy promises that one holds dear but the night that burns desire," Gwynnedd's heart belonged to Samael.

"Ahh, lust. One of the sins of the fallen. Surely thee must know thy Angel of Death has been since removed of this realm and the next," he taunted Gwynnedd.

"What has thy done?" she could feel a sinking within her soul.

"Samael hath been commissioned by Belial to the Northern Realm."

"Tis a lie… let thee hear for thyself," Gwynnedd ordered.

Samael had been controlled by Satan, his powers diminished.

"Does thy really want one who hath been commissioned by the tortured… there is no destiny other than death for us," Samael lamented.

He was taken from her centuries ago. None offered salvation to her, nor remorse. But here, in Belial's chamber, Dantalion, the 'Incubus' and Gwynnedd, the 'Succubus', devised a plan. As quickly as she was summoned, Dantalion commanded her back within the medallion. The hearth within the chamber became the portal to Belial's Northern realm, and Dantalion, Rowan, and the demons of the Goetia shape-shifted into the darkness.

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