Erin's look of sympathy turned to disgust.

"Is that all you can think about?" Erin answered.

"Hey….feed to survive…its sort of demonic protocol…I'm sure Laurel would know what I mean. And so we're all on the same page… I know Dantalion's plan to release Laurel of the brands failed. What the hell did he expect… their word of honor? Wagering with the devil is a dangerous game. And now I guess I have to come to the rescue….again….this time, I've got some allies behind us….I'm summoning the Succubus Gwynnedd and Dantalion's thirty six legions….When we get back to the Realm we'll invoke the Angel," Rowan sneered. "It should be an interesting reunion. At least I know he didn't turn the blade on her…he just let them take her to hell for eighteen months…"

"With all due respect Master Rowan, we believe Lord Dantalion had intentions of forcing the Four Kings of Hell to release Laurel of her brands," King Vine reminded him.

"Yea….well that didn't happen, did it? He knew she was an immortal demon….guess he figured it was better they take her to infernal hell than for him to bring her up to his eternal heaven."

"We don't believe that was his intention…. We saw blood everywhere in The Tomb… our guess is that one of the four must have sought a sacrifice," Sitri added.

"Lets move… once we get back to Dantalion's chamber, warm up and feed…. I mean….eat…. then we'll call down His Majesty," Rowan chuckled.

"Glad you think this is funny….your still the same sarcastic son of bitch behind those canines huh? Lucia smiled.

"Oh, I think I found his match," Erin laughed. "Mr. Arrogance over there," pointing to Sitri. "Tell me…what is it about you… how come you look so much like Dantalion? Are you two brothers or something?"

"You might have to ask Dantalion about that," Sitri smiled.

"So you guys aren't really Laurel's uncles or distant cousins …. or whatever lame excuse you tried to pawn off on us huh?" Lucia asked.

"Actually, we were once condemned demons…." Halphas deep voice stopped Lucia where she stood.

"Demons?? Like…Dantalion… like Rowan?"

"Yes… although all of us held different rank and title," Vine added. Copyright 2016 - 2024