Fragments of glowing aura still remained constant in the center of the Courtyard. Several feet from the fire, seventy two demons of the Goetia, including Dantalion, and his thirty six legions, stood before the eyes of God. They began from the pillars forming the circle, to the stone borders of the Courtyard of the Undead, beyond the pines and even as far back as the grove leading to the forest. Atop the stone pillars surrounding the flames, emerged five of them, their forms unrecognizable. Slowly, each of the five figures shape-shifted into their true forms.

The first, King Vine, forty fifth demon of the Goetia, appeared in the form of a lion bearing his demonic seal, tightly gripping a viper in his clawed hands. Prince Sitri, twelfth demon of the Goetia, appeared in the form of a leopard's head, wings extended. Count Halphas, thirty eighth demon of the Goetia, appearing with blazing red eyes, razor sharp claws extended. Count Druitte, one of Dantalion's loyal soldiers and brother to Halphas, also stood, eyes aglow. Rowan, part demon, part human, folded his clawed fingers across his arms, awaiting his fate..

The metal sigils glowing hot within the chambers inside the Realm of Goetia identified these demons as those whose servitude had been met. They were summoned here, before the angelic order to be offered their salvation, as Gabriel had promised. Dantalion was among them as he watched from his celestial order, his brother demons about to finally be released. He wished all the demons of the Goetia, including all thirty six legions could also be granted salvation. Why would they all be summoned before the eyes of God, when only six were to be freed? Would the angelic hierarchy pardon those condemned even though they had not met the passing of two ages? Why then, was Rowan summoned forth before the eyes of God? He had only just submitted his allegiance to Dantalion. Would he be pardoned as well?

Gabriel had promised they would all be allowed to seek salvation, but Dantalion knew what his merciful brother meant. They would each have to answer to their own fate. Each of the demons awaited this day of summoning, but few would ever hope to see their freedom.

I propped my newly restored body against the base of the altar, carefully hiding from whatever was about to happen in the Courtyard of the Undead. My hands gripped the jagged stone, pulling on the chains to lift me up. I moved behind the pedestal above the altar, the wisteria concealing my presence, but allowing me close enough to see and hear them.

The demon who appeared in the form of a lion seemed much different from the others, almost regal. I remembered two of them from the caverns of the first heaven. Count Druitte was first in command to lead Dantalion's thirty six legions of demons, Rowan was appointed second. They all pledged their allegiance to Dantalion and sacrificed their souls to save mine. It was Rowan's fate that worried me. Dantalion must have forgotten that Rowan couldn't possibly be released once condemned. Even if the angelic order were merciful, there was nothing any of them could do to save Rowan now. He would have to wait for his time, condemned with the others. Copyright 2016 - 2025