With each saving of mortal blood, Dantalion delved deeper into the arts and sciences of power. He tested his immortality. He was never without the grimoire, which he kept with him at all times, upon Satan's fall. He sought to test his faith against the dark arts. Dantalion's immortality limited his sensation to feel pain. His ability to expel the poisonous emotion from his body, along with his powers to heal and communicate through thought, made him the most coveted of guardian angels. Guardians answered to a higher order, archangels, who were allowed to take on human form. He envied the archangels' ability to shape shift in the mortal dominion.

Dantalion balanced the weight of man's needs on his left hand, his fascination with fire on his right. The tips of his fingers transferred flames, beginning slow at first, and with each day, mastering the art to contain the fire in the palms of his angelic hands. And so it went, his conscience was no longer clear.

Camael, Chief Angel of Powers, noticed the change in Dantalion.

"Gabriel, Dantalion hath been born seventy first of the seventy two demons of the Goetia, a Djinn. In time he shall no longer refrain his ability to shape shift. His powers will become more than the boy can master."

"Dantalion's soul is pure. He will hold perfection in the eyes of God. He shall not be sealed with the others, but reign as guardian within the third heaven. We cannot allow the summoning of the four Great Kings of Hell," Gabriel replied, becoming uneasy at the observation.

"I hath seen Dantalion suffer the physical pains of man. How can this be?" the warrior angel asked.

"My brother, do not judge based on what fate has befallen Satan, though he too tested his powers on man. I do not believe the same fate awaits Dantalion. He hath the ability to separate his angelic powers from temptation," Gabriel assured him.

"Aye, but see how separated he hath become from us my brother. He spends every moment mastering his powers, most especially, directed toward the second heaven," Camael commented.

"I am certain he will remain true to his purpose as guardian," Gabriel shifted his attention over to Dantalion, demonstrating his power to control fire in the palms of his hands.

"What of young King Solomon, who surpassed his fellow man with riches and gold? His soul too was pure!" the warrior angel questioned.

"With time he turned away from God, tempted by the demonic spirits he unleashed to do his bidding, yet he sought salvation. God showed him mercy!" Gabriel confessed.

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