Damian didn't respond, silently cursing the being. Satisfied it was getting what it wanted, the Watcher left him alone. The more Damian dealt with them, the less he wanted to deal with them again. The fact the mysterious creatures could find him whenever they wanted made him cautious about outright opposing them. Still, he wanted them out of his hair-permanently.

Damian sought out Sofi, both for her calming influence and any tidbits of what she might've Seen. She was in the kitchen with Bianca and looked up with a smile when he entered.

"How're you feeling?" he asked. He rested his hand on her expanding stomach and his chin on her head.


"Bianca, my son will need a playmate. You and Dusty better catch up," Damian teased his brother's mate.

"Dusty is just now on good terms with my cat," Biana replied. "I think a kid is a while down the road!"

Damian looked down at Sofi and raised an eyebrow. She winked. He hugged her, a darker thought crossing his mind as he held her and their child close. If the Watchers could find him, they could find her-and their son. His desire to expel the Watchers from the planet solidified. He could handle the Black God, at least for the time being. Jenn would come back with enough information on the Black God's organization, that Damian could counter the fledgling god for quite some time. The Watchers, however, were a different story entirely. He had no recourse against them yet.

"You don't need to worry about us," Sofi said quietly.

"The world is going to shit, and you're telling me not to worry."

"Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. You're just too stubborn to see it."

He pushed her away from him, eyeing her. She smiled faintly and lifted her chin towards the kitchen door. Damian turned in time to see the vamp Charlie struggling to drag a skinned deer carcass across the threshold. The vamp dropped it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Damian demanded.

"It's okay, Damian," Bianca said quickly. "We have a system. He catches deer, drains them of blood, skins them, and I cook 'em up for dinner."

"That's where our venison is coming from?"

"It's better than letting him kill the neighboring rancher's cows or my rescue animals."

"I fucking hate housework," the vamp said with a growl. "You make me do woman's work, ikir."

Damian looked the vamp over. It had taken Dusty two days to drill a routine and sense of discipline into the vamp, which was one day too many to the schedule-addicted assassin. Damian, however, was impressed he was able to do it at all. Vamps weren't known for their smarts.

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