The rain fell harder, and Jule broke into a trot. He hadn't visited the Guardians' Irish station in years, mainly because Ireland had no regular vamp population. He continued at his quick pace into the town, glancing over the quaint downtown strip lined with small cars and pubs. He slowed as he reached an intersection and made his way through the town to the outskirts, where small houses lined the street.

He walked until he recognized the Guardians' station, a single story house nestled between two similar houses and marked by a star and an arrow - the White God's symbols - in the corner of one window. He felt no wards protecting the station and shivered, wondering how many Guardians would be lost between now and when he could find and kill the Magician. Without their powers, the Guardians were vulnerable against the Black God's vamps.

The door opened before he knocked, and the Guardian within looked him over. Jule couldn't help but feel some relief at the sight of a warm, well-lit interior.

"We've been waiting for you," the blond-haired Guardian said in a light Irish lilt. "You look like shit."

"Feel like shit," Jule said and entered. "Damian call?"

"Yes, ikir called earlier and said you'd be in today. Sean got you some clothes before he went to the pub for his shift."

"Why is a Guardian working at the pub?" Jule asked.

"We're bored," the Guardian said with a shrug. "Sean's from here, and we got nothin' to kill."

"All righty," Jule said. "I take it you know by now you've got no Guardian powers?"

"It's bad, Jule," the Guardian said, pursing his lips. "Ikir ordered a no-engagement protocol. We're supposed to lay low and avoid vamps. He said there's a new Black God. Ikir thinks the new Black God is reorganizing. But once they start attacking …"

"We fight, like always. Just have worse odds," Jule said, trying not to let his own alarm show. As the leader of the Eastern Hemisphere, he wasn't about to let his Guardians know he was worried.

"Aye," the Guardian said. "I have a new phone for you, too." He closed the front door and went into another room.

Jule looked around the cozy house. He needed to contact Damian, the White God, above all, and share what the Watcher had told him. Damian might have some insight into what was going on, and who the Magician was. Copyright 2016 - 2024