"Doctor," said Preston when we came round to him, "won't you

send away Miss Randolph out of a place that she is not fit


"I will," said Dr. Sandford grimly, "when I find such a


"Out of this place, then, where she ought not to be; and you

know it."

"It would be your loss, my friend. You are exercising great

self-denial, or else you speak in ignorance."

"She might as well go on the stage at once!" said Preston

bitterly. "Singing half the night to sixty soldiers, - and

won't give one a thing from Norma, then!"

The doctor gave one quick glance of his blue eye at me; it was

a glance inquiring, recognising, touched, sympathising, all in

an instant; it surprised me. Then it went coolly back to his


"What does she sing?"

"Psalms" - said Preston.

"Feverish tendency?" said the doctor.

Preston flung himself to one side, with a violent word, almost

an oath, that shocked me. We left him and went on.

Or rather, went over; for at the instant Dr. Sandford's eye

caught the new occupant of the opposite bed. I was glad to

find that he did not recognise him.

The examination of Mr. Thorold's wounds followed. They were

internal, and had been neglected. I do not know how I went

through it; seeing how he went through it partly helped me,

for I thought he did not seem to suffer greatly. His face was

entirely calm, and his eye clear whenever it could catch mine.

But the operation was long; and I felt when it was over as if

I had been through a battle myself. I was forced to leave him

and go on with my attentions to the other sufferers in the

ward; and I could not get back to Mr. Thorold till the dinner

hour. I managed to be at his side to serve him then. But he

had the use of his arms and hands and did not need feeding,

like some of the others.

"It is worth being here, Daisy," said Mr. Thorold, when I came

with his dinner; which was, however, a light one.

"No," said I. Speaking in low tones, which I was accustomed to

use to all there, we were in little danger of being overheard.

"Not to you," said he with a laughing flash of his eye; "I

only spoke of my own sense of things. That is as I tell you."

"How do you do now?" I asked tremblingly.

His eye changed, softened, lifted itself to mine with a

beautiful glow in it. I half knew what was coming before he


"We know in whose hands I am," he said. "I have earned the

'right to my name,' Daisy."

Ah, that was hard to bear! harder than the surgeon's probe

which had gone before. It was hard at the same time not to

fall on my knees to give thanks; or to break out into a shout

of glad praise. I suppose I showed nothing of it, only stood

still - and pale by the side of the bed; till Mr. Thorold

asked me for something, and I knew that I had been neglecting

his dinner. And then I knew that I was neglecting others; and

flew across to Preston, who needed my services.

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