A clean, quiet, airy room, like all the rest; like all the

rest filled with rows of beds, the occupants of which had come

from the stir of the fight and the bustle of the march, to lie

here and be still; from doing to suffering. How much the

harder work, I thought; and if it be well done, how much the

nobler. And all who know the way in which our boys did it,

will bear witness to their great nobleness. Patient, and

strong, and brave, where there was no excitement to cheer, nor

spectators to applaud; their fortitude and their patience and

their generous self-devotion never failed nor faltered, when

all adventitious or real helps and stimulants were withdrawn,

and patriotism and bravery stood alone.

From the turn of Dr. Sandford's head, I knew on which side I

might look to see Preston; and as we slowly passed up the long

line of beds, I scanned breathlessly each face. Old and young,

grim and fair, gentle and rough; it was a variety. And then I

saw, I should hardly have known it, a pale face with a dark

moustache and a thick head of dark, glossy hair, which was

luxuriant yet, although it had been cropped. His eyes were

closed as we came up; opened as we paused by his bed-side, and

opened very wide indeed as he looked from the doctor to me.

"How do you do, this morning, Gary?" said my conductor.

"Confoundedly -" was the somewhat careless answer, made while

examining my face.

"You see who has come to look after you?"

"It isn't Daisy!" he cried.

"How do you do, Preston?" I said, taking hold of the hand

which lay upon the coverlid. He drew the hand hastily away,

half raising himself on his elbow.

"What have you come here for?" he asked.

"I have come to take care of you."

"You," said Preston. "In this place! Where is mamma?"

"Aunt Gary is far away from here. She could not get to you."

"But you, you were in Switzerland."

"Not since last May."

"Lie down, Gary, and take it quietly," said Dr. Sandford,

putting his hand on his shoulder. Preston scowled and

submitted, without taking his eyes from my face.

"You are not glad to see me?" I asked, feeling his manner a

little awkward.

"Of course not. You ought not to be in this place. What have

you got on that rig for?"

"What rig?"

"That! I suppose you don't dress so at home, do you? You

didn't use it. Hey? what is it for?"

"It is that I may be properly dressed. Home things would be

out of place here."

"Yes; so I think," said Preston; "and you most of all. Where

is Aunt Randolph?"

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