"I have never forgotten what you used to tell me," I said.

"Good. And yet, Miss Daisy, I would rather you could tell me

you had forgotten it; that you had gone on so far from that

beginning as to have lost it out of view."

"Ah, but I have not had so many friends to teach me, and help

me, that I could afford to forget the first one," I said. "I

have one dear old friend who thinks as you do, - and that is

all; and I cannot see her now."

" 'If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to

all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given

him,' " Mr. Dinwiddie said.

"I lack wisdom, very much; but it does not seem to come, even

though I ask for it. I am sometimes in a great puzzle."

"About what to do?"


"You can always find out the first step to be taken. Jesus

will be followed step by step. He will not show you but one

step at a time, very often. But take that, holding His hand,

and He will show you the next."

"So I came here," I said.

"And what is the work to be done here? on yourself, or on

somebody else?"

"I do not know," I said. "I had not thought it was either.

Perhaps I am learning."

He was silent then, and I sat thinking.

"Mr. Dinwiddie," I said, "maybe you can help me."

"I will gladly, if I can."

"But it is very difficult for me to put you in possession of

the circumstances - or in the atmosphere of the circumstances.

I do not know that I can. You know that papa and mamma do not

think with me on the subject of religion?"


"There are other things in which I think differently from them

- other things in which we feel apart; and they do not know

it. Ought I to let them know it?"

"Your question is as enigmatical as an ancient oracle. I must

have a little more light. Do these differences of feeling or

opinion touch action? - either yours or theirs?"

"Yes, - both."

"Then, unless your minds are known to each other, will there

not be danger of mistaken action, on the one part or on the


"Telling them would not prevent that danger," I said.

"They would disregard your views, or you would disregard

theirs, - which?"

"I must not disregard theirs," I said low.

Mr. Dinwiddie was silent awhile. I had a sort of cry in my

heart for the old dividing of the waters.

"Miss Daisy," he said, "there is one sure rule. Do right; and

let consequences break us to pieces, if needs be."

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