Yours ever,


PS. It's raining cats and dogs tonight. Two puppies and a kitten have

just landed on the window-sill.

Dear Comrade, Hooray! I'm a Fabian.

That's a Socialist who's willing to wait. We don't want the social

revolution to come tomorrow morning; it would be too upsetting. We

want it to come very gradually in the distant future, when we shall all

be prepared and able to sustain the shock.

In the meantime, we must be getting ready, by instituting industrial,

educational and orphan asylum reforms.

Yours, with fraternal love,


Monday, 3rd hour 11th February

Dear D.-L.-L.,

Don't be insulted because this is so short. It isn't a letter; it's

just a LINE to say that I'm going to write a letter pretty soon when

examinations are over. It is not only necessary that I pass, but pass

WELL. I have a scholarship to live up to.

Yours, studying hard,

J. A.

5th March

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

President Cuyler made a speech this evening about the modern generation

being flippant and superficial. He says that we are losing the old

ideals of earnest endeavour and true scholarship; and particularly is

this falling-off noticeable in our disrespectful attitude towards

organized authority. We no longer pay a seemly deference to our


I came away from chapel very sober.

Am I too familiar, Daddy? Ought I to treat you with more dignity and

aloofness?--Yes, I'm sure I ought. I'll begin again.

My Dear Mr. Smith,

You will be pleased to hear that I passed successfully my mid-year

examinations, and am now commencing work in the new semester. I am

leaving chemistry--having completed the course in qualitative

analysis--and am entering upon the study of biology. I approach this

subject with some hesitation, as I understand that we dissect

angleworms and frogs.

An extremely interesting and valuable lecture was given in the chapel

last week upon Roman Remains in Southern France. I have never listened

to a more illuminating exposition of the subject.

We are reading Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey in connection with our course

in English Literature. What an exquisite work it is, and how

adequately it embodies his conceptions of Pantheism! The Romantic

movement of the early part of the last century, exemplified in the

works of such poets as Shelley, Byron, Keats, and Wordsworth, appeals

to me very much more than the Classical period that preceded it.

Speaking of poetry, have you ever read that charming little thing of

Tennyson's called Locksley Hall?

I am attending gymnasium very regularly of late. A proctor system has

been devised, and failure to comply with the rules causes a great deal

of inconvenience. The gymnasium is equipped with a very beautiful

swimming tank of cement and marble, the gift of a former graduate. My

room-mate, Miss McBride, has given me her bathing-suit (it shrank so

that she can no longer wear it) and I am about to begin swimming

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