Cameron even went so far as to speak to the kid's father, and get him into AA and a sponsor was working with him, so far that seemed to be going pretty good. It would mean a lot to the kid to have a parent at home, when he was there, maybe they'd help each other to get their lives together?

Starke and Cam were discussing all of this as they were driving on their lunch hourt o the tuxedo shop for a final fitting, because the wedding was now just a week and a half away.

So Bro are you ready to take on married life again? asked Cam, you know Cam, I think I was ready the evening I walked into the diner, slid into the booth, and looked into those golden honey brown eyes, I swear there was connection like none other in my life before that night. Wow, is all Cam could come up with at the moment, Starke said, yeah, wow! And they had arrived at the tuxedo shop just about that time.

Julie dropped Kevin and Kyle off at the tuxedo shop, and was on her way to Anne's house taking Katie with her. Cameron would drop the boys by after the final fitting.

The women had a few final details to hammer out and a few final things to schedule before the wedding, "I believe we've got just about everything covered now" said Julie, can you think of anything else, Anne? Well yes, "I've been thinking we should phone a pesticide place and have them come the day before to spray the entire area, trees and all so that as evening comes and all the lovely lights we're having put in the garden and the tree's come on, that our guest won't be bothered by mosquito's," Julie said, "that's a wonderful idea, I hadn't thought of that."

No, but you're the one who thought of laying a nice wide isle runner from the porch to the gazebo, so that Candee's train would not get grass stains on it, because after the ceremony when that is rolled up she can remove her train for the reception. You know Anne we make a good team maybe we should go into the wedding planner business, Anne laughed and said I'm a bit old to be taking up a career but it's something you might want to think about, maybe Candee would be interested in becoming your partner in this, she had several good idea's also, silence is what came from Julie for a few minutes, but Anne knew she had gotten her thinking. Anne also knew that her very generous son would be glad to set his soon to be wife and best friend up in a shop of their own, right here in town if this is what they decided that they would like to do. She also thought, "If these two women get together, there is not a doubt that they be successful in whatever new venture they take on." Copyright 2016 - 2024