It all sounds wonderful, Candee exclaimed, Julie, Anne you are doing a wonderful job, I'm very excited and have to pinch myself every so often to make sure I'm not dreaming, they all shared a laugh then, Anne saw a tear escape from Candee's eye just then and reached over and patted her hand on the table. Starke cleared his throat as he got up to re-fill his coffee cup and ask if they were ready for a re-fill.

Julie showed Candee and Starke samples of the invitations, and they easily decided on the one they liked best, Julie said, she'd take the list to the printer with their choice in the morning and they had promised to put a rush on them and they'd be ready in a few days. The wedding was to be the last Saturday in June, Anne said, "Julie and I will start calling people this weekend, thank goodness they are all local and not from other states." "We don't have to worry about making arrangements for out of state guests," replied Julie.

They all heard the door open just then and Cameron came in he had the boys with him, Katie was sitting in front of the TV, in line of Julie's sight at all times and she had put a tape in of cartoons, and the child had been quiet as a mouse the whole time, hi, they all said as they entered, through the back door, hey, "uncle Starke dad took us, with him to the juvenile detention center to check up on that kid from the Internet, it was a creepy place" said, Kevin, "yeah, creepy" piped up Kyle.

Starke ask, Cam how's he doing? Oh, well you know, he's trying to act tough but I see right through that act, he's scared and he's worried about his dog, he thinks they are going to put it down, but I promised him I'd go by the shelter and check on it, and I think I convinced him they would not kill his dog, but I'm not so sure, he still looked worried when we left. Trix appeared just then, as if he heard the word dog, he had been napping in the living room near Katie. Cam, said, "Kevin you'd better let him out in the yard so he can do his business," " yeah okay, dad." Kyle went in to be with Katie. Cam asked, "how's all this wedding business coming along?" as he looked at his wife, they all said, almost at once, real good, he turned then and went to pour himself a cup of coffee, so he could join them at the table. They filled him in on some of the plans so far, and they discussed the tuxedo's the men would wear, and Anne reminded Starke and Cam to make an appointment soon to choose them and to get fitted for themselves and the boys. Copyright 2016 - 2024