After speaking to a travel agent, Starke was pleased that he had set up a nice honeymoon for them, it was only a week long, but they had much to do when they got back, so he promised himself they'd take a longer trip later, but first he wanted to get their house built and moved into. He had decided he'd run by the lot around lunchtime to check it out for himself, then if it was the right size he'd go for it, the price didn't really matter. There were so many things to take care of before the wedding, his head was spinning. He realized someo ne was standing by his desk as he looked up and saw that it was Cam," hey, what's up?" he asked, I'm working on something, I wanted to tell you about, Kevin came home from school on Friday and told me there's a guy hanging around the school, an older guy, and he thinks he may be trying to sell weed or drugs to the kids, he overheard some of the older boys talking about this guy making contacts first on the Internet, so I'm going to check it out, but it looks like he's local, "I'll keep you informed, okay?'"' good deal, we'll nail the S.O.B. going after middle school kids, I know how that riles you."

Even if we do know we don't have to worry about the boys, they're good kids straight as arrows and will no doubt be cops when their old enough, at least one of them anyway, "yeah," Cam said, "they're like two little cops already, very aware of their surroundings, and always reporting misdeeds to me when they see something out of the ordinary, they're great kids." By the way Julie hopes you and Candee start a family right away, and she'd like to place an order for a little girl playmate for Katie, Starke laughed and said, "tell her I'll see what I can do about that, I'd be very happy with a girl just like her mother., for starters."

That evening when Starke called Candee, he told her he had driven by the lot and liked what he saw, that there were actually three large lots adjoining, for sale behind the Baylor’s property, he asked Candee what type of house she thought she would like to build, and she said, "I've always thought I'd love to live in a two story colonial type home with a porch across the front with those large columns holding up the roof and a nice railing across, he said, ah .. Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about and as soon as I acquire the property we will sit down with a builder or two and see if he can come up with a design that we'd both like, how does that sound? She said wonderful, I'm very excited about it, about all of it, the wedding, and looking forward to our life together, he said, "I am too sweetheart". Copyright 2016 - 2024