They had a good solid marriage, and she'd come to know what a great cop he was and how well liked he was on the force all the men respected him and liked him, so she knew they were all watching his back, they had no intention of losing their hero, Starke was well liked also and they were always thought of as brothers two of a kind, but Starke usually worked in the office at the computer, Cam still liked to get out in the action, whenever possible.

So, he was telling her about his day, and she was surprised to hear that Starke went out on an arrest with them, and she was glad that it went well, no one hurt. They were talking as they ate their dinner, he ask, how her day was? Julie said, Oh, Anne and I are in high gear over the wedding plans, we're doing out level best to make it the wedding of Candee's dreams, Cam said, and I'm sure you will sweetheart.

He said, you know I told Starke about the lot behind us being for sale and he's very interested, and told Candee about it on the way home and she was all for it, so in about a year we just might be neighbors, Julie said, "that would be wonderful, I hope they start a family right away so our kids can grow up together." "I'm sure they will, being older than us when we got started." Our boys have each other, so a playmate for Katie would be nice, do you think we could place an order for a girl? It was hard to laugh with a mouthful of food but, he managed.

The following day while at his computer, Starke took a few minutes to place a call to a realtor friend he knew from when his dad was in the business, and ask him to get all the information on that piece of property for him, he would ride by later to have a look at it, but he wanted the exact size and of course the asking price. The size was of utmost importance to him because he wanted a good size home with nice grounds around it. If Candee was going to join his mother’s garden club, he knew she would also want a beautiful garden of her own to attend too and to cut fresh flowers for inside the new house.

He no sooner hung up the phone and it rang and he was surprised to hear it was Julie calling, hi, Starke just wanted to remind you it's all up to you to plan your honeymoon that is if you'd like for it to be a surprise for your bride. He said, okay, got it, but I want to ask you what you think of my idea, but, before I tell you let me explain something about Candee first. She never had a real family, so therefore she never had a normal childhood, and being moved around from one foster home to another, I doubt she ever got taken to the movies or taken to a park for kids, so I thought before we get too old to enjoy or before we start taking our own kids and watching them enjoy ... how do you think she would react to a trip to Disney World, staying at one of their beautiful hotels in the park, I'd like to give her an opportunity to recapture her childhood, it may help her when she becomes a mother also. Copyright 2016 - 2024