Well mom I kind of met this woman in a chat room on the Internet while I was working, I didn't know it was a woman at first but I do now, we met for coffee, she lives in Scranton so we met at Marie's, one look in her eyes mom and I knew this woman was my destiny, I felt Marie's presence so strong in a very approving way and yet Candee, that's her name, anyway, she is so different than Marie but yet the same it's hard to describe, I just knew we'd be together very soon.

His mom said, "son you go with your instincts, because they are so like my own, right on as they say," he laughed, and she said, "as soon as possible for you, I want to meet this girl Who will be my new daughter?" Mom never said daughter in-law she never did with Marie, family was family to mom, all the same, no in-law stuff for her, ya just gotta love her.

Well mom I've got to go, got some messages to return and some work to get done, thanks for breakfast I'll call you later or stop by, he planted a kiss on her cheek and with a wink, headed out the door. She stood at the screen door and waved as he backed out of the driveway, she's the best he thought as he drove away.

As he headed back to the cabin he was thinking how he's going to approach this strange couple and perhaps bring them together or at least make them more aware of each other so they back off and leave Candee alone, before one of them does something serious and gets arrested, and maybe get a lead to whoever is really causing all of this, it's not his normal routine of policing the web, he's usually after bigger prey, as in web scammer's, or pedophiles etc., or even drug related messages in chat rooms, he's after all on a special task force of the local police force and when he gets a good lead his boss will then turn it over to the Feds.

But of course he had some down time coming so it's ok to get involved in this, and now that he's met his future wife he will of course do anything to keep her safe, Wow, my thoughts are starting to scare me, he thought as he arrived at the cabin ... first thing he did as he got in was get back to Cameron his boss and buddy and fill him in on the case they had been working on before he decided to take his down time, which of course he wasn't really doing as his PC is not just a piece of furniture it's a way of life for him. Cameron his long time friend and now his boss always astute said what's up with you Starke? I know something is going on, I just can't figure out what. Starke said, "I met someone," really Cam said, where? Starke said, "on the net," no way, yeah I did, be careful old buddy, no need for that, Starke replied, "this is the woman I was meant to be with ther est of my life,"

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