It was Saturday, around noon and Gloria was in her shop along with, another of her stylist plus the nail girl, they are usually finished around noon on a Saturday but today was one of those special wedding party days, when they not only had the bride to do but, also her attendants and mothers, so they had at least another hour or so to put in, but it was more than worth it because a wedding party, not only did not care about the prices of their hairdo's and nails they were also in a very generous mood as far as tipping went, it didn't hurt that Gloria supplied coffee, tea, champagne and she even had a small wedding type cake for all of them to enjoy. She had learned a few tricks of the trade so to speak in the years since she got into her own shop, and it was paying off

She was telling everyone all about her experience with her credit card being stolen, and how she thought maybe someone was actually in her house while she was out and took it from her wallet, that was a scary thought, in fact at that moment her landlord was having security installed and her locks changed.

Gloria was thankful she had gotten her new card on Thursday, and she was able to pay for her supplies that she had purchased on Monday, and do a little shopping, tonight Chad was taking her dancing at a club they both knew of, a place that played different kinds of music, some disco, some old time rock and roll, which they discovered they both loved. So she stopped and bought a cute swingy dress to wear, that she thought he would like.

When they were done with the bridal party, her girls left and she washed her own hair, dried it and decided to wear it in a swept up style with a few long springy tendrils hanging around her face, she knew this would look great with the dress she bought.

Gloria arrived home and saw that is was after four already, the landlord was still there and he went over the security system with her so she would know how to alarm it, when she went out and to disarm it upon returning, and he gave her the keys to the new locks, she had to admit, she felt a lot safer now that this was taken care of

She said, "good bye to her kindly old landlord" then went to the kitchen to fix herself a sandwich, since that was about all she had time for, she wanted to have a nice leisurely bath with the lotion she so loved, that made her skin silky and soft, before she put the new dress on, she wanted not to have to rush, and disturb her hair which she had so carefully fixed not an hour ago. Copyright 2016 - 2024