They talked for over an hour, he told her he'd be going back to work for real next week, which means going into the station every day, and using the computers there, and getting caught up in whatever the force had in the works. Cameron would fill him in and he said, "I guess I've been goofing off long enough it's time to get back, for a long time my heart wasn't really in anything I was doing, 1 was doing my job but felt like I was just marking time," guess what I'm saying is "I feel like I'm ready to kick some Internet ass again.," she said, "I've never heard what you do put quite that way before," he said, "that's okay neither have I." now it was her turn to laugh. She enjoyed talking to him and it was such a nice way to end her day, she hated when the time came to say goodnight, and little did she know but Starke was thinking the exact thing, on his end of the line. And just then he said, "well pretty lady, I think it's time we

Say goodnight," as she heard him stifle a yawn, and so she said well goodnight then, will you call tomorrow night, he said, "you can count on it, goodnight Candee," and he hung up.

Saturday dawned a cloudy day, and as Starke was having a cup of coffee, he reached over and turned on the radio to hopefully get a weather forecast and he was right on time, as he listened, he heard good news it would be clearing by noon, and the rest of the weekend should be sunny and warm with cool evenings.

He was pleased because he wanted this weekend to be perfect for them, and the weather would play an important part in that. He wondered if Candee was up as it was still quite early, and his phone rang, he picked up and she said, "good morning," "you are up, I was wondering?" "Are you kidding? I was awake at five am, could not get back to sleep, so I got up and picked what I would wear today and had three cups of coffee already." he laughed, "well your way ahead of me then, I'm only on my first.

"When you get here I'll be ready' "great, I'll see you soon then" he hung up to go get his shower and get dressed, he was going to surprise her by picking her up in his car which she didn't know he owned. She will be expecting the truck he uses most of the time, but he rolled the car out of the garage got it washed and ready to go. Copyright 2016 - 2024