Then she said, "Hello, apples it's very nice to meet you, you are very handsome indeed, the deer snorted proudly, as if he approved of what she had just said. Starke started walking slowly towards the herd, and Apples walked right along with him, he got close enough to scatter the rest of the bag of cut up apples, and then he retreated, and they all started to pick up the pieces and enjoy them.

As Starke walked slowly towards the porch again, Candee watched him thinking, what a strong, yet gentle man he is, he smiled as he came up the steps to take the rocker beside hers. Well, what do you think of my animal friends, so far? So far, she replied, and then she noticed a pair of squirrels, running in circles in front of the steps, even hopping up on the bottom step. Starke said, "wait here" and he went in, he was out in a few minutes with a bag of sunf1ower seeds, and he tossed a handful to the squirrels, that's Manny and Moe, I expect Ike will be along soon, then the fun really begins, he's a real bully, it'll be squirrels scampering all over the place, up and down the trees, they are very entertaining "This is all very entertaining" she said,. With that a fat grey squirrel showed up, and they just sat and enjoyed their coffee and watch the antics begin.

Much later, he said, '"would you like to go for a walk around my place now?" she said "absolutely" he quickly took the mugs and plate of what was left of sticky buns in to deposit in the kitchen. Then he came out took her hand and said, "all set?' and they started off.

They walked to the creek which was quite impressive, and every now and then they spotted, Apples and his family, one time taking a drink from the creek, another time standing among the trees, she asked are they always here? He said, "yes" they seem to live here on my property and I'm thankful for that, I know they are safe from hunting season, and I've gotten used to having beautiful living lawn ornaments. Nothing quite like it at the holidays with snow on the ground and my deer out here. I bring Cams boys up sometimes just to see them, they like to stay over, and that gives Julie a break.

They walked slowly back to the cabin, and as they entered they heard the beep of his answering machine, he walked over and saw the caller ID said, it was his mom, so he hit the button. Hi son it's just me, wondering if you'll be here for our Sunday dinner as usual. Uh, oh, he said,” I almost forgot it's Sunday," will you come with me Candee? She said, "I think I'd better go on home, I do have some things I must catch up on before starting back to work tomorrow.'' He said, I'd better get a quick shower and change, then we'll be on our way, is that okay with you, "yes," she said," ' I’ll have the last cup of that coffee while I wait for you." Copyright 2016 - 2024