Monday and Tuesday passed uneventful for Starke, Wed. he tossed some leftover spaghetti in the microwave, made a small salad, and had a glass of wine. He took a shower, glanced in the mirror as he passed by and noticed he was still in pretty good shape even though he spends most of his time sitting at his computer; it must be the cross city bike rides he takes every morning before the rest of the world is awake. As he shaves he thinks, guess I'm not a bad looking dude, wonder what she looks like? He splashes on a little extra aftershave, grabs clean jeans, a western shirt, his standard outfit for the day, yanks on his boots, plops a western hat on his head and he's out the door but, not before hitting the lock, he's got expensive equipment sitting on his old beat up wooden desk. He's getting antsy as he drives to the diner, will she show up? What is her problem, really? he rounds the last curve and sees the diner up ahead, he pulls into the lot in fact he parks his truck next to the only other vehicle that far out on the lot, a dark green jeep.

He walks slowly towards the diner, sees a woman sitting alone in a booth by a window, he pushes open the door, walks in and right over to her and slides into the booth opposite her. She looks up with baleful eyes and says, "How did you know?" as their eyes met and they both knew. For him it's as if he's looking into the eyes of his one true sole mate for all eternity, as if he knew her from another lifetime and as if Marie is there in the eyes of this woman, finally he finds his voice again and says, "Now, how can I help you?"

"I am being stalked she says" and I feel the only way to stop her is to kill her before she kills me, she's a real psychopath, last week she trashed my apartment, I just got done, getting it all cleaned up.

She watches my every move; she thinks I'm interested in the man she wants. "Are you?" "No way, he is perfect for her, a real strange dude, and nice but strange likes living on the edge." "Well then I guess all we have to do is a little match making for these two and maybe she' 11 leave you alone," I only hope it's that simple. Copyright 2016 - 2024