Monday dawned as a typical Monday, as Starke had said the night before the world had gone back to work, he had gotten Candee back to her apartment safely, walked her to the door and said goodnight with a quick kiss, he bounced down the steps to the truck and was gone.

He checked in at the station on Monday morning, and reported to Cameron what he had been on to as far as this person stalking Candee and possibly others on the Internet, and said he'd stay on top of that, even though officially he was off duty for awhile.

Candee went to the paper but not before stopping at the news stand and noticing, a new face working there. At work, she was bursting to tell her best friend, Laura about her wonderful weekend, leaving out some of the details of course, but not leaving a doubt in Laura's mind that she had a new exciting love in her life.

Candee's day went by in its usual way nothing earth shattering about it, and so at four o'clock she gathered her belongings and started for home. She had a message on her phone from Starke, saying only that he'd call her later. So she kicked off her shoes and hit the button to boot up her computer. She then checked her e-mail and seeing nothing of importance logged off. Starke by now was seriously moving in and out of chat rooms, and he noticed a pattern of this one guy also moving around, and somehow his user name was familiar, he seemed to be fishing for information on people that he paused to chat with on occasion, then he'd hang back and just watch and wait, very peculiar, what is he up to,? Thought Starke, he had a gut feeling about this one and it wasn't good, because identity theft was on the rise through the Internet everyday getting worse.

He needed to think about this for a while, so he went to his kitchen to heat some soup, after his mom's big meal yesterday that would be enough for tonight, and then he planned to call Candee, as he told her he would do. Starke called Candee about seven that evening, and they talked for awhile, he asked her if she'd had any more unusual or scary things happen lately? And she said no actually everything seems back to normal, he then ask her if she'd noticed any additional charges on her credit cards or on her bank statement, she said no and I have no credit cards, I've never believed in them, if I can't pay for something, then I guess I don't really need that badly or I would have saved for it, he chuckled at that statement. A littlebell went off about then for Starke, he figured, that is perhaps the reason for the slashed tires, anger over not being able to get any usable information from her either on line or going through her apartment, because he believed that although this "Big Red" gal may have been somewhat jealous, he did not believe she was responsible for all of this in fact he'd be willing to bet that some of the others have been hit by this guy too. They talked a while longer and made plans to see each other again over the weekend, he told her he'd like her to see his cabin, and she said yes, she would like to see it soon, she always thought it would be heaven to live out among nature in the peace and quiet of the woods. Most people only get to do that on vacations for a short time. Copyright 2016 - 2024