Candee woke Sunday morning to sunlight, and promises of a pleasant day ahead, as she went through her usual routine for a Sunday morning, retrieving her newspaper, she noticed that it was a balmy beautiful morning for late May. On her way to the kitchen she gathered up her laundry, she hadn't gotten done yesterday and dropped it in the laundry room area of her cozy apartment in the large old house, that had been converted to apts. years ago, then she went to put her coffee on and then, she could settle down with her paper.

Starke was doing almost the same thing at his cabin except that he was about one step ahead of her, he was into his paper, and as he read the sports section, he was on the racing page and noticed, that a Chad Benton better known as "Demo Man" had won the big demolition derby on Saturday, but that he was in a spectacular crash and taken to the hospital, but was expected to make a full recovery.

Candee was now looking at her paper but she set it down often to finish up her laundry, and start thinking about what she'd wear to meet Starke's mother, later that day. I wonder if she will like me, she thought, I wonder if I'll like her? She went to her closet and chose a pretty floral long skirt, and another short sleeve sweater in a mint green to match the leaves in the skirt, and she had the perfect mint green pumps for the outfit. She laid everything out on her bed decided it was perfect and went back to enjoy her coffee.

The hours went by quickly for both, and soon he was on his was to pick her up to go to his childhood home. He arrived on time and she was ready, and looking very pretty, they shared pleasant conversation on the drive, and as they entered his old neighborhood, she commented on how lovely it was with all the big old trees lining the streets with branches almost touching the others across from them. He pulled into a driveway of a lovely stone home with Victorian touches, not a mansion but a lovely looking home. Lush green lawn, and spring flowers in front, boxes on the porch railing, a long driveway going clear to the back with garages, although he parked in front.

Starke shut the engine off, got out and went around to open Candee's door, and together they went up to the house, he hit the bell as he opened the door, and shouted it's just me mom, and Candee saw his mother coming towards them, she was wearing an apron, and had beautiful silver, white hair that looked like a cloud around her lovely smiling face. Copyright 2016 - 2024