"Yes, I saw someone hurry past my window, so I peeked out and saw this man hurrying up to the house, he went up the steps real fast, then rushed down again, he was carrying Jamie, he didn't see me watching, but then I hid anyway, under my table."

"Can you tell daddy what he looked like?' she nodded her head saying "uh, huh", he looked up then and saw Cam standing in the doorway, hi uncle Cam, Marie said, "hi Sweetie," "Marie," Starke said in a rather loud tone, that made the child jump, then he lowered his voice saying, "Daddy's sorry honey, but it's important for you to tell me and uncle Cam what you saw of this man, before you forget, okay honey?"

Cameron sat on the foot of her small bed, and listened he knew this was important to hear, she began with he was big, this way she motioned with her arms as in tall, not this way and again with her hands meaning not wide. Starke asked his daughter," honey do you remember what he was wearing", "yes she said, I remember a picture of Apples on his shirt,' "the deer'' "yes, daddy" "anything else about the man," he had yellow hair, like this, as she pulled her own hair back and together on the back of her own neck." when she did this a bell rang in Starke's mind and he knew instantly who this guy is.

He told his daughter to stay there now, and he thanked her for the help she gave to him, and uncle Cam, then he walked to her door, as did Cam, "I'm going to check on mommy now, be a good girl, daddy will be right downstairs." In the hall he told Cam, I'll be right down, as soon as I see to Candee." He let himself into the master suite, and saw that she was crying terribly hard, he went into their bathroom, got two mild sleeping tablets from the medicine cabinet, crushed them in the glass and added water, he took this to her and helped her to drink all of it, now she would sleep, he thought and hopefully when she woke their boy would be home.

He went down and found Cam in the kitchen fixing a pot of coffee, as he entered he told Cam, "I know who did this Cam, and I know who snatched my boy." Cameron spun around and asks who? Remember the bunch of guys involved in shooting the doe, five years ago?" "yeah", well this was the ring leader, he had a list of prior's and was wanted on other crimes, he was put away, but just got out on early parole for good behavior, and is seeking revenge because I put him away. It all makes sense now Cam, the

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